I saw one that looked like old times, but the platters were strictly decorative. Web connected, it would play anything from Tommy Dorsey to Tommy Chong & take credit cards or smartfone payment.
I bought an old jukebox on eBay years ago. It was in bad shape. You could tell it had even caught on fire once. Sadly we never were able to get it to work. We have well over 45 feet of 45’s on shelves in our basement, needing a jukebox.
Anybody else old enough to remember when the records were not only discs, but ceramic or glass discs? I seem to have some memory that they flew quite well, pre-frisbee flying discs… Had some Calvin in me back then.
I love some of the TikTok videos where parents ask their (usually) teenage children to state what they think some of the items from decades ago are about – e.g Filofax, Rolodex, “be kind, rewind”, Walkman etc. Some of the answers they get are funny
You can’t just plug in 50 year old electronics and expect them to work, though. The capacitors in the older circuits degrade over time and become little short circuits. You plug it in, and kaboom! Ya let the smoke out…
C almost 2 years ago
See if you can get an app store update for it Clayton
seanfear almost 2 years ago
and surprise surprise, it doesn’t get recharged
rekam Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Now to find some 45s.
ronaldspence almost 2 years ago
Let the generation gap jokes begin!
mccollunsky almost 2 years ago
Hey Vinyl is kind of back in style.
The Pro from Dover almost 2 years ago
Enter.Name.Here almost 2 years ago
That’s one jukebox George Michaels didn’t get his hands on. ;-)
(Reference “FREEDOM 95” on youtube if you do not comprehend)
nosirrom almost 2 years ago
Father vs son
Analog vs digital.
ChukLitl Premium Member almost 2 years ago
I saw one that looked like old times, but the platters were strictly decorative. Web connected, it would play anything from Tommy Dorsey to Tommy Chong & take credit cards or smartfone payment.
Durak Premium Member almost 2 years ago
I bought an old jukebox on eBay years ago. It was in bad shape. You could tell it had even caught on fire once. Sadly we never were able to get it to work. We have well over 45 feet of 45’s on shelves in our basement, needing a jukebox.
bbenoit almost 2 years ago
Anybody else old enough to remember when the records were not only discs, but ceramic or glass discs? I seem to have some memory that they flew quite well, pre-frisbee flying discs… Had some Calvin in me back then.
Serial Pedant almost 2 years ago
Or upgrade to 33 1/3 LPs….I have some I’ll sell you.
Frank Burns Eats Worms almost 2 years ago
Even Clayton is showing his age with the finger tap. I thought he would say;“Hey jukebox, play a song!!”
MRC112 almost 2 years ago
I love some of the TikTok videos where parents ask their (usually) teenage children to state what they think some of the items from decades ago are about – e.g Filofax, Rolodex, “be kind, rewind”, Walkman etc. Some of the answers they get are funny
FassEddie almost 2 years ago
Just another big piece of furniture to dust.
RadioDial Premium Member almost 2 years ago
You can’t just plug in 50 year old electronics and expect them to work, though. The capacitors in the older circuits degrade over time and become little short circuits. You plug it in, and kaboom! Ya let the smoke out…
raybarb44 almost 2 years ago
Lots to learn kid….
ladykat Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Adam, try hunting for secondhand record stores. They should have a good supply of them. Failing that, try EBay.
jbarnes almost 2 years ago
Purchase ONE record and use it to troubleshoot the device. Buy more once / if you get it working.
KEA almost 2 years ago
now if it was a 1946 Wurlitzer Model 1015 https://dygtyjqp7pi0m.cloudfront.net/i/40119/34493089_2.jpg?v=8D75A4AFDC35050 he’d really have something
T... almost 2 years ago
CD’s, DVD’s, Blue Ray’s, 4K, all are round and spin, where do I load them? …
goboboyd almost 2 years ago
No chip reader or card slot to pay with a card. No scan codes either.
gopher gofer almost 2 years ago
try unplugging it and plugging it back in again…