We have dogs, but I grew up with cats, and am not a cat hater. But this is a fundamental difference between the way we treat the to species as pets. When visiting friends with cats, they are usually around the house, and may even jump on my lap to get pet, and I am happy to oblige. If, as in the comic today, the cat suddenly decides to scratch and/or bite, the owner’s reaction is “yea, sometimes she does that.” If my dog ever even snapped at someone, much less actually bit them, there would be significant, sometimes permanent, consequences. In fact, visitors would never expect to be exposed to a dog that has any reasonable chance of biting without serious provocation.
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member about 2 months ago
It’s the Cat Way.
dbrucepm about 2 months ago
cats decide when you are done petting them, not you
edmund_graham about 2 months ago
He’s taught her well, she’s the staff, he’s the boss
Doug K about 2 months ago
Sounds about right.
Steverino Premium Member about 2 months ago
This is the exact reason why you don’t rub a cat’s belly. They have a unique way to telling you to stop.
DiminishedFirst about 2 months ago
We have dogs, but I grew up with cats, and am not a cat hater. But this is a fundamental difference between the way we treat the to species as pets. When visiting friends with cats, they are usually around the house, and may even jump on my lap to get pet, and I am happy to oblige. If, as in the comic today, the cat suddenly decides to scratch and/or bite, the owner’s reaction is “yea, sometimes she does that.” If my dog ever even snapped at someone, much less actually bit them, there would be significant, sometimes permanent, consequences. In fact, visitors would never expect to be exposed to a dog that has any reasonable chance of biting without serious provocation.
MuddyUSA Premium Member about 2 months ago
Jennifer Falk about 2 months ago
My cats had live in maid services, food delivery trash pickup and various playgrounds and on and on …..
sincavage05 about 2 months ago
My cat likes to nibble on my chin, not so bad, and his teeth are sharp.