“Advancing a struggling plot line???” This decision was made back on June 22.
After a year of “advancing” the literary classic “should we move” plot line, we’re now going back to where we started.
I’ve mentioned previously that Jimmy had said that A&J is supposed to be a “gag a day” comic strip. Like many words in the English language the word “gag” has multiple meanings. My problem is that I assumed Jimmy was using definition of “a laugh provoking remark or act,” instead Jimmy is using the definition of “to choke or cause to retch.” My bad, sorry.
It will not be on my tombstone “She had pristine furniture and a fabulous porcelain collection.” Lol. And the air quality alone sets off my allergies. But I will have enjoyed good companionship and cuddles. Can’t imagine a home without a kitty. Neither can Arlo.
I disagree with Jimmy. The plotline was not struggling. Instead, Arlo and Janis (and they’re real people, of course) were struggling with a permanent, life-changing decision. Everything made sense to me.
I assume the artist may be struggling, but want to say great change is rarely quick. You know we are out here, beyond the fourth wall, cheering Arlo and Janis, and you, on.
That’s the problem. Everything you look forward to at the beach is there every day when you live there and it becomes routine. It’s not a vacation, it’s home.
We had 4 cats. Each had their own unique personality. We had 2 that were grandmother and granddaughter. They all crossed the Rainbow Bridge after my husband passed away. I adopted a 10 yr old min pin after my last cat passed away to share my daily walks with. I loved his companionship for 4 1/2 yrs. Now I have an 8 yr old dachshund that shares my walks with me. I also feed feral cats and have shelters for them in my back yard.
I watched a neighbor’s cat for 3 days, 2 visits a day. It tried to injure me 3 different times. Bit me once when I was giving it food, swiped its claws at me and knocked a heavy water bottle into the sink as I was washing a dish. The dish broke and shards flew all over. Very lucky I was not injured. No cats for me.
The wise vacationer calls the housesitter when they are coming home early. No one wants to come home to the aftermath of a party and the boyfiend in their bed. It is always better not to know.
Cats are easily trainable as humans, and dogs. I teach behavioral training on cats for everyday as well as to alerting to potential intruders and training as weapons on command if anyone gets through whether you are at home or on vacation. Kids, adults, or pets are only as clean as you are or not. If you have any allergies stay away from what you are allergic to.
Please, I beg of youStop with this mind-numbing story line Unless of course you intend it as a lesson to empty nesters who have no jobs, no friends, no clubs, no church, no neighbors, no hobbies but who insist staying where they’ve been for the past 40 years for no good reason Lesson: Go where your kids are
Since, as a rule, I don’t like dogs, I must in fairness acknowledge and recognize the possibility that some folks don’t like cats. I have liked a few dogs in my time, don’t get me wrong…well-trained ones with nice manners…thanks to responsible owners!
Yakety Sax 7 months ago
Meow! purrrrr
Da'Dad 7 months ago
Cute, but if JJ is using Erin to admit he is struggling this is a new kind of a break in the 4th wall.
Rhetorical_Question 7 months ago
Cat sitter or house sitter or Both?
pschearer Premium Member 7 months ago
I’m struggling to remember where everyone is.
Doctor Toon 7 months ago
I dont know why some people don’t like cats
I dont know how its even possible not to
Barbara Rivera 7 months ago
Love this! Thank you, Mr. Johnson. Happy they’re coming home.
John Smith 7 months ago
“Advancing a struggling plot line???” This decision was made back on June 22.
After a year of “advancing” the literary classic “should we move” plot line, we’re now going back to where we started.
I’ve mentioned previously that Jimmy had said that A&J is supposed to be a “gag a day” comic strip. Like many words in the English language the word “gag” has multiple meanings. My problem is that I assumed Jimmy was using definition of “a laugh provoking remark or act,” instead Jimmy is using the definition of “to choke or cause to retch.” My bad, sorry.
nosirrom 7 months ago
I should read the dates. I thought they were already home last week, but those were repeats from 2021.
GentlemanBill 7 months ago
Apologies for the rough ride ladies and gentlemen, we just bumped into the fourth wall.
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member 7 months ago
I never meta plotline I didn’t like.
slelareader 7 months ago
It will not be on my tombstone “She had pristine furniture and a fabulous porcelain collection.” Lol. And the air quality alone sets off my allergies. But I will have enjoyed good companionship and cuddles. Can’t imagine a home without a kitty. Neither can Arlo.
jmarkow11 7 months ago
I love you Jimmy!!!
jarvisloop 7 months ago
I disagree with Jimmy. The plotline was not struggling. Instead, Arlo and Janis (and they’re real people, of course) were struggling with a permanent, life-changing decision. Everything made sense to me.
assrdood 7 months ago
Exceptionally clever JJ.
NCGalFromNJ 7 months ago
Anyone who doesn’t like cats needs their head examined.
360guy Premium Member 7 months ago
Watch out for that crumbling fourth wall!
royq27 7 months ago
Cats, always available to advance something…
klapre 7 months ago
A bit of breaking the 4th wall here.
Searcy9320 7 months ago
Well I am relieved that the “Cat Sitter” is not one of those “Squatters” that you can not get out of your house.
poppacapsmokeblower 7 months ago
I assume the artist may be struggling, but want to say great change is rarely quick. You know we are out here, beyond the fourth wall, cheering Arlo and Janis, and you, on.
SpacedInvader Premium Member 7 months ago
That’s the problem. Everything you look forward to at the beach is there every day when you live there and it becomes routine. It’s not a vacation, it’s home.
j.l.farmer 7 months ago
We had 4 cats. Each had their own unique personality. We had 2 that were grandmother and granddaughter. They all crossed the Rainbow Bridge after my husband passed away. I adopted a 10 yr old min pin after my last cat passed away to share my daily walks with. I loved his companionship for 4 1/2 yrs. Now I have an 8 yr old dachshund that shares my walks with me. I also feed feral cats and have shelters for them in my back yard.
khjalmarj 7 months ago
I think this has to be breaking SOME wall; maybe the 5th?
locake 7 months ago
I watched a neighbor’s cat for 3 days, 2 visits a day. It tried to injure me 3 different times. Bit me once when I was giving it food, swiped its claws at me and knocked a heavy water bottle into the sink as I was washing a dish. The dish broke and shards flew all over. Very lucky I was not injured. No cats for me.
candomarty Premium Member 7 months ago
Cats are the cockroaches of the mammal world.
david.reichert 7 months ago
The wise vacationer calls the housesitter when they are coming home early. No one wants to come home to the aftermath of a party and the boyfiend in their bed. It is always better not to know.
LONNYMARQUEZ 7 months ago
she took the words out of my mouth, and the hot tube was not going to work for an extended amount time
roberta.forbes.pyle 7 months ago
I LOVE my two cats. Sometimes, though, I don’t LIKE the things they do!
Jeffin Premium Member 7 months ago
Very mewving.
yinyang 7 months ago
Cats are easily trainable as humans, and dogs. I teach behavioral training on cats for everyday as well as to alerting to potential intruders and training as weapons on command if anyone gets through whether you are at home or on vacation. Kids, adults, or pets are only as clean as you are or not. If you have any allergies stay away from what you are allergic to.
kristinelwise Premium Member 7 months ago
Please, I beg of youStop with this mind-numbing story line Unless of course you intend it as a lesson to empty nesters who have no jobs, no friends, no clubs, no church, no neighbors, no hobbies but who insist staying where they’ve been for the past 40 years for no good reason Lesson: Go where your kids are
Spoonbone 7 months ago
That came dangerously close to breaking the fourth wall, but it only put a chip in it.
ktrabbit 7 months ago
Since, as a rule, I don’t like dogs, I must in fairness acknowledge and recognize the possibility that some folks don’t like cats. I have liked a few dogs in my time, don’t get me wrong…well-trained ones with nice manners…thanks to responsible owners!
Ed The Red Premium Member 7 months ago
It’s a message from Ludwig Exposition!
redbaron 7 months ago
I like the honest admission of a “struggling plotline”. Jimmy is not the only one with this issue, so there must be something in the air.
For the record: I never did enjoy any arc with Gene and family.
StoicLion1973 7 months ago
I almost forgot about the housesitter; I thought that was Meg for a second.
cliffharbaugh 7 months ago
I like cats just like I like my grandchildren. In their own home so I can later go to mine and my puppy!