In the United States and Canada, powderpuffs are football games (ice hockey games in Canada) which include flag football or touch football games between girls from senior classes or cross-town school rivals. Funds from ticket and concession sales typically go to charity, the senior class, or to a dance. The games are an annual tradition at many high schools and universities.
If I’m to assume Janis did what I think she did… that is a foul in ANY sport when men are participating. I’ll never be convinced Janis is unaware of that.
Besides, I think even in a neighborhood game powderpuff football, that would be frowned upon by all participants!
By the comments today, it seems that I’m not the only one who frequently struggles to “get” the point of this comic. I’m glad there is usually someone to explain it.
Don’t try. If the football even sniffs the goal line it is a touchdown. They have rules that make no sense at all, and there is probably only two minutes of real action in a one hour game that lasts two and a half hours. DUH!!! Professional pickleball is almost as stupid and lame. ALMOST.
Americans went on to reduce the game to the sissified display it is now while Canadian football remains faster and more exciting while demanding better athletes on a larger field.
I love watching football. Some of the catches the receivers make are like magic, especially the “one hander.” And the celebrations after a touchdown, I saw one in college and one in pro do a headstand with their helmet on in the end zone.
Da'Dad 3 months ago
So JJ is leaving it to us to decide what constitutes a legal Powderpuff block. Knees up is a pretty good clue.
pschearer Premium Member 3 months ago
From Wikipedia:
In the United States and Canada, powderpuffs are football games (ice hockey games in Canada) which include flag football or touch football games between girls from senior classes or cross-town school rivals. Funds from ticket and concession sales typically go to charity, the senior class, or to a dance. The games are an annual tradition at many high schools and universities.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace 3 months ago
No testes to trounce.
rob.home 3 months ago
Don’t understand U.S. football.
sbenton7684 3 months ago
We call your football.. soccer…
nosirrom 3 months ago
Janis is working against her own best interest. Now the Bathroom Sommelier is going to be out of commission for tonight. Maybe longer.
Dirty Dragon 3 months ago
“Split right, all curl, on one. Ready?”
BLUE… 69
BLUE… 69
ddl297 3 months ago
If anyone jumped at me from behind like THAT, I’d knee him where it hurts, too! Sorry – reflexes!
Grace Premium Member 3 months ago
If there were a quantifiable number of sports cells in a brain and the average was 100, I have perhaps 10. What is she talking about?
BJDucer 3 months ago
If I’m to assume Janis did what I think she did… that is a foul in ANY sport when men are participating. I’ll never be convinced Janis is unaware of that.
Besides, I think even in a neighborhood game powderpuff football, that would be frowned upon by all participants!
JessieRandySmithJr. 3 months ago
I think the joke here is where Arlo got “blocked”, probably wouldn’t have hurt as much in powderpuff.
paul.stumme 3 months ago
Arlo might ant to check and make sure all the parts are still working properly…
Just-me 3 months ago
Janis plays rough? Or, just hard to get?
ChessPirate 3 months ago
Very Personal Foul…
( ͡ ͚ ͚ʖ ͡ )
57-Don 3 months ago
Like Coach always said “Doesn’t matter WHERE you’re hit, grab your stomach”
NaturLvr 3 months ago
Glad I’m not the only one who frequently struggles to “get” the point of this comic.
NaturLvr 3 months ago
By the comments today, it seems that I’m not the only one who frequently struggles to “get” the point of this comic. I’m glad there is usually someone to explain it.
DawnQuinn1 3 months ago
Don’t try. If the football even sniffs the goal line it is a touchdown. They have rules that make no sense at all, and there is probably only two minutes of real action in a one hour game that lasts two and a half hours. DUH!!! Professional pickleball is almost as stupid and lame. ALMOST.
DawnQuinn1 3 months ago
I want Janis on my team. An entire team of woman players like her could kick butt against any male team.
SpacedInvader Premium Member 3 months ago
Possibly a stiff arm block? If the ball had been in the left hand it would have been more obvious but I never played Powderpuff football.
suv2000 3 months ago
You shouldn’t kick a man there EVER!!!!
wvrr 3 months ago
Americans went on to reduce the game to the sissified display it is now while Canadian football remains faster and more exciting while demanding better athletes on a larger field.
fjblume2000 3 months ago
Say What?!
j.l.farmer 3 months ago
I love watching football. Some of the catches the receivers make are like magic, especially the “one hander.” And the celebrations after a touchdown, I saw one in college and one in pro do a headstand with their helmet on in the end zone.
KEA 3 months ago
Martin Booda 3 months ago
I don’t think it’s a foul in Women’s Professional Wrestling, either, based on my extensive research.
Darryl Heine 3 months ago
At least it isn’t the Lucy/Charlie Brown football trick.
cbs1947 3 months ago
He left his “cup” at home. Janis nailed him where it wouldn’t hurt in powder puff 3 months ago
I read Powerpuff Football and that made more sense to me.