Baby Blues by Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott for December 04, 1995
We'd better start Christmas shopping for the kids pretty soon. Already? Already??? Are you kidding? Most people are finished by now! If we wait any longer, all the good toys will be gone and we'll be stuck with a bunch of cheap plastic stuff! We can't afford the good toys, said don't we end up buying the cheap plastic stuff anyway? Don't go clouding the issue with logic.
J-Yoshi64 over 2 years ago
“Okay, if you’re just going to calmly make excellent points, I don’t know if I want to talk to you.”
Joseph comicinthestrip about 2 years ago
Hobby Lobby, in a nutshell:
Pastelkoala64 over 1 year ago
Darryl PUL-EEZE divorce her!
Sherlock5 3 months ago
At the ages Zoe and Hammie are now, they like the cheap plastic stuff just as well. A little earlier, Zoe ever preferred to play with the boxes and wrapping paper.
PenguinsAndDogsRule!! about 1 month ago
And get a new wife who will treat the kids wrong, never spend any time with them, and act perfectly horrendous to them? Nope! Wanda’s pretty good anyways, why would he divorce her?