Baby Blues by Rick Kirkman and Jerry Scott for December 02, 1998
Is that the heavy equipment video you bought for Hammie? Yep. He just loves watching the thing! I don't get it... It's nothing but footage of trucks, bulldozers and earth movers hauling dirt, but for some reason, he is mesmerized! Look at him! He's glued to the screen! He can't take his eyes off it! What is it about little boys and big machines?! Hmm? Sigh!
ElJorro almost 3 years ago
I believe there is a “park” in Las Vegas where people can use real life earthmovers.
Furrito_272 almost 3 years ago
I never got into that kind of thing when I was little
Resident Master Plumber over 2 years ago
Ooh trucks
Blaize over 2 years ago
I’ll be honest, I’d dig it. XD
leopardglily over 2 years ago
I was that kid.
Sherlock5 over 1 year ago
What is it about little girls and horses/unicorns?
Sherlock5 8 months ago
“Hauling dirt” is a simplification of what is entailed in operating such equipment. A skilled operator knows just how much dirt his equipment can handle, how to maneuver his machine without accidents, how to dump his load where it needs to go without incident, etc.