I can be the first to complain about our “disposable” culture. But really, there is definitely something positive to be said for disposable undies. Especially now that people are laundering with cold water.
Don’t worry, Zoe. You don’t have to touch Hammie’s or your dad’s underwear. Just the stuff Wren wore to preschool and got paint dumped on by another toddler (or herself and she told mom that someone else did it).
Because I toured on the road for several years with a theater company, I got into the habit of keeping any used undies in a plastic bag until they could be washed. I discovered it’s a good idea at home, too. I don’t even have to touch my own dirty ones!
Ratkin Premium Member over 2 years ago
It’ll be worse when you’re married.
momofalex7 over 2 years ago
Have Zoe fold the clean clothes. Then it wouldn’t be so bad.
GirlGeek Premium Member over 2 years ago
She’s learning early what’s it like to have a brother
Templo S.U.D. over 2 years ago
can hardly wait until Zoe gets to Wanda’s brassieres; the girl is too young to have one of her own
iggyman over 2 years ago
Zoes expression last panel!!
NeedaChuckle Premium Member over 2 years ago
Just trash them!
freewaydog over 2 years ago
Wanda’d best pay Zoe a lot of $!
ctolson over 2 years ago
And be sure to wash your hands for at lest 5 minutes afterwards!
shaodyn over 2 years ago
Hammie is so filthy that touching his underwear probably isn’t too safe.
buflogal! over 2 years ago
I can be the first to complain about our “disposable” culture. But really, there is definitely something positive to be said for disposable undies. Especially now that people are laundering with cold water.
DM2860 over 2 years ago
So now it will only take 20 years to save enough for the scooter
misslaurastoyroom over 2 years ago
Don’t worry, Zoe. You don’t have to touch Hammie’s or your dad’s underwear. Just the stuff Wren wore to preschool and got paint dumped on by another toddler (or herself and she told mom that someone else did it). over 2 years ago
Think of yourself as a nuclear scientist handling hazardous waste.
jrankin1959 over 2 years ago
So, now we’re resorting to bribery?
CynthiaLeigh over 2 years ago
Isn’t he housebroken yet?
CynthiaLeigh over 2 years ago
Both the kids ought to be helping with the laundry already and gratis.
The Quiet One over 2 years ago
I don’t blame you Zoe.
kathleenhicks62 over 2 years ago
Have the hand sanitizer ready and wear a mask for extra measure! You could even wear latex surgical gloves!
thejanith Premium Member over 2 years ago
Because I toured on the road for several years with a theater company, I got into the habit of keeping any used undies in a plastic bag until they could be washed. I discovered it’s a good idea at home, too. I don’t even have to touch my own dirty ones!
David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen over 2 years ago
Hammy finally found something which frightens Zoe. Or we did. Best if Hammy never discovers.
StackableContainers over 2 years ago
When he is a teenager, you will want to avoid touching his underwear and bedsheets even more…just for a different reason.
ToneeRhianRose over 2 years ago
Better get it in writing!
KageKat over 2 years ago
I’d be icked out too, Zoe!
Amelie almost 2 years ago
Boy’s underwear: ick