It’s bad enough to use too much charcoal lighter fluid, but on hot days it vaporizes quicker and even a normal amount can do this if you wait too long to light it.
In real life, would he stomp out the flames while wearing sandals and no socks? And then would he put the still-smoldering hat back on his head? Wouldn’t he run into the house, fill something with water, and use that to put out the flames? OK, it’s just a comic strip.
LookingGlass Premium Member over 2 years ago
Has Darryl been taking “lessons” from Crankshaft??!!
profbob over 2 years ago
BBQ season – the comics version.
Templo S.U.D. over 2 years ago
How is Darryl MacPherson more Tik-Tokkable than the Foxes’ father Roger when it comes to barbecue grilling?
Bullet Bronson Premium Member over 2 years ago
You’re lucky your hat is the only thing to burn, Darryl. That schnoz got might close to the flames.
iggyman over 2 years ago
Bet it goes on You Tube as well!
ToneeRhianRose over 2 years ago
Haha! XD
Daltongang Premium Member over 2 years ago
What, no Butch trying to outdo Darryl’s pyrotechnics?
elbow macaroni over 2 years ago
And that landed on his head how?
ctolson over 2 years ago
It’s bad enough to use too much charcoal lighter fluid, but on hot days it vaporizes quicker and even a normal amount can do this if you wait too long to light it.
dv1093 over 2 years ago
Happy to say I’ve never “tick-tocked”. over 2 years ago
Can you make frozen hamburger patties in the toaster?
Camiyami Premium Member over 2 years ago
This reminds me of all the barbecue strips from Foxtrot. Gotta love a grillin’ dad!! haha!
Jerry in Chelsea over 2 years ago
In real life, would he stomp out the flames while wearing sandals and no socks? And then would he put the still-smoldering hat back on his head? Wouldn’t he run into the house, fill something with water, and use that to put out the flames? OK, it’s just a comic strip.
The Quiet One over 2 years ago
Yeah, that one is going to go viral Darryl.
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 2 years ago
They are VERY proud.
SofaKing Premium Member over 2 years ago
Grilling for 55 years, don’t use lighter fluid, or the match light charcoal. Weber chimney, with a sheet of newspaper to start it.
MissyTiger Premium Member over 2 years ago
I sure do love a good “FOOM”!
edeloriea14 over 2 years ago
Only you can prevent forest fires. Only you!-Smokey the Bear.
KageKat over 2 years ago
As long as he survives being most Tiktok-able, go for it!
Sherlock5 10 months ago
Darryl, you need to move to another comic strip where they give you some respect and don’t portray you as an eternal incompetent.