I hate Zoe’s tattling. I’m an older sibling in real life, and I did plenty of older sibling things that Zoe does at her age, but that would drive me crazy as a parent.
Very few people truly like a tattletale, mostly because they never know when they will get tattled on. The tattler usually winds up being told upon too.
I have 5 older siblings & a baby brother. The one just older than me is a brother, and we used to tattle on each other. We did other mean-sibling things to each other as well. At one point, when we were both adults, he was in a horrific accident. He called me from the hospital in tears, apologizing for every single thing he ever did to me, real or imagined! We’re super-close now. He always calls me on my birthday & whenever we get together (which is rare, as I live in NH & he lives in Alaska) we’re firmly attached.
allen@home over 2 years ago
Reporting is the same thing as tattling young lady.
leopardglily over 2 years ago
I hate Zoe’s tattling. I’m an older sibling in real life, and I did plenty of older sibling things that Zoe does at her age, but that would drive me crazy as a parent.
Templo S.U.D. over 2 years ago
older siblings are supposed to be role models to their younger siblings, not bullies
Baarorso over 2 years ago
Zoe’s tattling makes me happy that i’m an only child. No one to tattle on me or for me to tattle on. ;D
feefers_ over 2 years ago
I have a big sister. I had to tattle…for survival
iggyman over 2 years ago
In later years Zoe McPhearson became a famous reporter for Inside Edition!
GerryRoss over 2 years ago
Asterisks solve everything.
Nuke Road Warrior over 2 years ago
Future FBI Special Agent Zoe McPherson.
ctolson over 2 years ago
I have an older sister and I don’t recall her tattling on me. Her “reports” to mom usually ended up saving my @ss from bigger consequences.
Lee26 Premium Member over 2 years ago
Once Hammie gets bigger, Zoe may not make it to here teenage years. Accidents happen on the home ALLLLLLLL the time. BWAHAHAHAHA!
pheets over 2 years ago
I so want to really not like this kid but…she is a kid. In a comic :D
edrorie723 over 2 years ago
Never mind the tattling—what about the first time (that I know of) this strip has featured a meta-style crack in the 4th wall?
Just-me over 2 years ago
Very few people truly like a tattletale, mostly because they never know when they will get tattled on. The tattler usually winds up being told upon too.
Wren Fahel over 2 years ago
I have 5 older siblings & a baby brother. The one just older than me is a brother, and we used to tattle on each other. We did other mean-sibling things to each other as well. At one point, when we were both adults, he was in a horrific accident. He called me from the hospital in tears, apologizing for every single thing he ever did to me, real or imagined! We’re super-close now. He always calls me on my birthday & whenever we get together (which is rare, as I live in NH & he lives in Alaska) we’re firmly attached.
Daltongang Premium Member over 2 years ago
For all the clueless out there, welcome to the world of children.
ChessPirate over 2 years ago
“Oh, and I want a whistle for Christmas…”
ᔑ( ͡~ ₒ ͡~ )ᔐ ♪ ☞ (⊙_ʖ⊙)
Huckleberry Hiroshima over 2 years ago
The word “tell” was very powerful when delivered by a sibling. “I’m going to tell.” Decisions had to be made.
Camiyami Premium Member over 2 years ago
Maybe she’s found her career path! :D
suelou over 2 years ago
Now where have I seen adults doing that???
Code the Enforcer over 2 years ago
Wanda breaking a 4th wall barrier is like overhearing the narrator telling about the ongoing story. This is nice! … :)
jconnors3954 over 2 years ago
A career in journalism on the horizon?
martinman8 over 2 years ago
it is patteling time
Scott S over 2 years ago
Big sisters are the crab grass in the lawn of life. – Linus Van Pelt
paullp Premium Member over 2 years ago
In the world of the comics, always read your footnotes.
edeloriea14 over 2 years ago
Holy Dick Tracy, Batman!
The Quiet One over 2 years ago
Well, that is one way to look at it.
DaBump Premium Member over 2 years ago
MOM power!
ToneeRhianRose over 2 years ago
Haha! XD
shaodyn 12 days ago
The fourth wall is there for a reason, you two!