In my town we had a narrow bridge, always messed up traffic. The local news never stopped talking about it. Now it’s being rebuilt wider, and they never stop complaining about how long it’s taking, how much it costs, or why didn’t they just leave it as it was because it was fine.
Pharmakeus Ubik 4 months ago
She’s got a nose for news!
robinafox 4 months ago
Mr Growsers are always good for a story or two!
SofaKing Premium Member 4 months ago
In my town we had a narrow bridge, always messed up traffic. The local news never stopped talking about it. Now it’s being rebuilt wider, and they never stop complaining about how long it’s taking, how much it costs, or why didn’t they just leave it as it was because it was fine.
6turtle9 4 months ago
Oh yes! The ministry of silly walks is quite news revealing.
Aladar30 Premium Member 4 months ago
A great idea for having a Lottie-Free environment.
willie_mctell 4 months ago
If there’s one thing Lottie can find, it’s stories.