Baldo by Hector D. Cantú and Carlos Castellanos for June 12, 2024

  1. Ava2
    C  6 months ago

    Make that manchado or better, y lo preparo y sujeta el cafe

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  2. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member 6 months ago

    As they shout at bullfights, AU LAIT!!

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    markkahler52  6 months ago

    Too YOUNG for coffee?! We were drinking full-on caffinated Pepsi’s and Coke when I was a kid!! And SUGAR? For=get IT!!

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    [Traveler] Premium Member 6 months ago

    I have been drinking coffee for as long as I can remember. They put it in a saucer for me to sip it out of when I was very small. I’d have a cup with my mom after school when I was in elementary school.

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  5. Grinch coffee
    I was FRAMED!!!!!!  6 months ago

    My granddaughter was ‘stealing’ sips of MY cup of coffee, at 6 months. She would grab hold of the cup in my hand, and to keep her from spilling it, the payment was to let her have a sip. Now, my great-granddaughter won’t touch the stuff, so far at age 3.8.

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    rlfekete1 Premium Member 6 months ago

    Always at Abuela’s. Cup of warm milk, a couple of tablespoons of coffee and 2 teaspoons of sugar.

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    Niko S  6 months ago

    I think parents don’t like their kids drinking coffee because they feel it’s a grown up thing and they’d feel less important ( superior, big shotty, VIP-ish) if their kids were allowed to have it.

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    Chris  6 months ago

    I dranked what mom called kid coffee. a little coffee with lots of milk… I didn’t liked it, mom laugh about it. Ah, the memories. :J

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    ladykat  6 months ago

    There are worse things Gracie could be drinking.

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    LostOne  6 months ago

    Went to a Cuban friend’s parents home. My friend thought it was useful to warn me that they make Cuban coffee. It kinda freaked them out when I drank it black, no milk or sugar. I thought it was great, not quite espresso but close.

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    kaycstamper  6 months ago

    My dad gave me sips of his coffee, with lots of evaporated milk in it!

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    GaryCooper  6 months ago

    My mother always told us we couldn’t drink coffee because it would “stunt our growth.” But mom let my little brother have sips from her cup (the baby of the family got what he wanted). Little brother grew to be 6’4”, the tallest and strongest of us all.

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    Macushlalondra  6 months ago

    My mother’s rule was that we could drink coffee at the table when we were 15. What being at the table vs taking a cup of coffee to your room or to have while watching TV – why that made a difference I don’t know. But my brother and I were sneaking coffee when we were much younger, I remember we would put tons of milk and sugar in it and it was good. I have been a coffee drinker since my teens.

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    Joan Tinnin Premium Member 6 months ago

    Preaching disrupted by reality.

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    James Lindley Premium Member 6 months ago

    When I was her age, we had coffee soup. A soup bowl with stale bread, coffee, sugar, and cream or milk. We didn’t “drink” coffee at that age, but we had our coffee soup.

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  16. Betty dipshit 3
    Bwahahaha!  6 months ago

    Next he’ll be wanting her to cut down on the cigarettes and drugs. Sheesh!

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    a swino  6 months ago

    Future no-doz abuser

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    fourteenpeeves  6 months ago

    Never try Turkish Coffee——yuk!!

    And Red Bull gives you insomnia

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    gammaguy  6 months ago

    My parents very rarely drank either coffee or tea, but neither did they preach about them being “bad”.

    So I never got into the habit. When I finally tried coffee, I found that it makes me very sick. Not the caffeine, though, as in college I learned to drink tea, discovering that it could help keep me alert when studying late, but it doesn’t keep me from going to sleep when I want to sleep.

    I have come to like the different flavors of different kinds of tea, but I can go weeks without any and feel no craving.

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    eb110americana  6 months ago

    What, I thought coffee was THE socially acceptable substance addiction?! Not like cigarette smoking or alcoholism are seen as recreational anymore. But the drug dealers are on every corner—did I say “drug dealers?” I meant Starbucks.

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  21. Butterfly
    QuietStorm27  6 months ago

    I had my first sip of coffee around 7 or 8. I didn’t go near the stuff again until college.

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    MarshaOstroff  6 months ago

    When I was living with my parents, the only coffee available in the house was instant, which I didn’t like at all. I had my first real cup of coffee while living in Barcelona when I was 30 years of age. I would visit the bar next to my building where I would have a cappuccino and a croissant for breakfast, and that got me started on my coffee habit.

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    greenlynn Premium Member 6 months ago

    We use evaporated milk as our creamer.

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