Same here. I like coffee, my wife doesn’t. The only difference is my wife would never be persuaded to try “the good stuff”. I can hear her now…, “If I wanted something that tasted like chocolate and pineapple, I would eat a slice of chocolate covered pineapple. Why ruin it by dipping it in burnt mud?”
My husband is English and I am Italian. I watch him boil his water (it must whistle!) and time the poured tea precisely, then add cream to that colored water. Ugh. I grind my beans and make espresso dopio-perfetto! My husband says it looks like mud and smells worse, so he takes his tea and leaves the kitchen.
I have never gotten the popularity of paying for the privaledge of having vendors sell you stuff. My dad and brothers used to pay to get in car shows and boat shows and mom and sister-in-laws paid to get into bridal shows. Seems like a scam.
The Wolf In Your Midst 3 months ago
I’m just here to remind everyone that caffeine is an addictive, brain-altering drug. Drink up!
Jeff0811 3 months ago
Same here. I like coffee, my wife doesn’t. The only difference is my wife would never be persuaded to try “the good stuff”. I can hear her now…, “If I wanted something that tasted like chocolate and pineapple, I would eat a slice of chocolate covered pineapple. Why ruin it by dipping it in burnt mud?”
ekw555 3 months ago
isn’t decaf actually worse for you some how?
like every good intentioned alternative?
DM2860 3 months ago
There are varieties that do not taste like burnt mud but they are hard to find.
RadioDial Premium Member 3 months ago
..but I like the taste of burnt mud..
Drbarb71 Premium Member 3 months ago
My husband is English and I am Italian. I watch him boil his water (it must whistle!) and time the poured tea precisely, then add cream to that colored water. Ugh. I grind my beans and make espresso dopio-perfetto! My husband says it looks like mud and smells worse, so he takes his tea and leaves the kitchen.
Plumb.Bob Premium Member 3 months ago
I have never gotten the popularity of paying for the privaledge of having vendors sell you stuff. My dad and brothers used to pay to get in car shows and boat shows and mom and sister-in-laws paid to get into bridal shows. Seems like a scam.
Milady Meg 3 months ago
Panel three alone has more laughs than most other strips.
PoodleGroomer 3 months ago
I can’t drink coffee. It keeps me awake all day at work.
Corey Bruns 3 months ago
How does she know what burnt mud tastes like?
mobeydick 3 months ago
Scott IS releasing more than one strip every two weeks – the missing ones are on his own webpage basicinstructions.NeT
anomaly 3 months ago
Mmmm. Burnt mud.
eromlig 3 months ago
Scott, we miss ye!
Izzy Moreno 3 months ago
Well, no new cartoon in weeks. It seems Scott did have a coronary. Luckily, it was first-class, none of that plebeian crap.