Amazing how many people still call themselves multitaskers after all the research proving it doesn’t exist and how those who attempt it produce mediocrity at best. apa dot org-topics-research-multitasking
As PPE says… it’s a mental shifting of gears. Some folks can flow though like water in a stream. Then there are folks like me who wind up grinding and gnashing like a butcher making hamburger meat!!!
I knew someone who could do three things at once and maintain a conversation. She was Mom and she ran the house and Dad and me very efficiently. Of course, that was in the ’35 to ’57. Then I left home and lightened the load by 75%. [I was a pain]
Concentration is interesting. I find that I can remember a lot more of a visual sequence if I mute the music. I’ve also wondered who the first person was that thought they could text and drive safely at the same time. I would never have thought of trying it.
My secretary like to say how well she could multitask. One day, in frustration, I took a large stack of filings that she had done wrong, along with other tasks that she was suppose to accomplish and went to her office. I put everything down, none too gently, and said, “When you multitask, it means you are doing at least two jobs completely wrong and costing the firm money. Please box your personal items and leave. We will mail your last pay and severance”.
The next secretary that I hired was a transexual. It didn’t bother me that he wore short skirts, ( he has some decent looking legs), and he never pushed being a transexual He didn’t multitask and he made sure everything was done correctly the first time. After five years, I have decided that he was the best hire that I ever did. The Senior pardner tried to steal him from me and he told Bob, there was no way.
Yes, I call him a he, because of my beliefs, and no I do not treat him any different from the female secretaries. If someone does the job and doesn’t cause problems, I believe they should have the job. And I don’t let catty women to make comments about him. It is not proper in any work place.
Morriss H. 2 months ago
And I’ll show someone who can’t cook a basic meal from scratch.
Purple People Eater 2 months ago
People don’t multitask, they do task-switching.
The Reader Premium Member 2 months ago
I can read GoComics and click a mouse at almost the same time!
StephenHoyt 2 months ago
Sometimes a time crunch makes it necessary.
Jeffin Premium Member 2 months ago
I can multi-fail with the best of them.
NRHAWK Premium Member 2 months ago
Amazing how many people still call themselves multitaskers after all the research proving it doesn’t exist and how those who attempt it produce mediocrity at best. apa dot org-topics-research-multitasking
dsidney49 2 months ago
As PPE says… it’s a mental shifting of gears. Some folks can flow though like water in a stream. Then there are folks like me who wind up grinding and gnashing like a butcher making hamburger meat!!!
sandpiper 2 months ago
I knew someone who could do three things at once and maintain a conversation. She was Mom and she ran the house and Dad and me very efficiently. Of course, that was in the ’35 to ’57. Then I left home and lightened the load by 75%. [I was a pain]
kaycstamper 2 months ago
Who irons anymore? I tried to give away a new ironing board I’d saved for my daughter for years and no one would take it!
Comics are the first thing to read 2 months ago
People who say they are good at multi-tasking are bad at everything else.
rshive 2 months ago
Those things are done by “losing” multi-taskers. “Winning” ones don’t do quite as well.
bobtoledo Premium Member 2 months ago
Multitasking- doing everything slower…
blakerl 2 months ago
Yes! That is the truth about Multitasking!
Daltongang Premium Member 2 months ago
Multitasking, a cover word for ADD.
mindjob 2 months ago
Don’t forget they will also mess up the tax return and run the red light
parkerinthehouse 2 months ago
odd this is about the woman
zeexenon 2 months ago
Not even the fastest digital computer can do this … first they do this, then they do that, and when they do A-Flat they go WOP, WOP, WOP.
Carl Premium Member 2 months ago
I don’t have to be doing anything else to ignore texts.
Allan CB Premium Member 2 months ago
So … they know of Flo Capp?
mistercatworks 2 months ago
“Dilbert” used the term “multi-shirking”.
dsatvoinde Premium Member 2 months ago
“Show me a person who multitasks…..”
“And I’ll show you a person who has done time in a commercial kitchen.”
Milady Meg 2 months ago
The last time I attempted multitasking, I knitted a turkey and baked a sweater.
chromosome Premium Member 2 months ago
Concentration is interesting. I find that I can remember a lot more of a visual sequence if I mute the music. I’ve also wondered who the first person was that thought they could text and drive safely at the same time. I would never have thought of trying it.
rockyridge1977 2 months ago
Type B person…..don’t do it!!!!!!
serial232 about 2 months ago
My secretary like to say how well she could multitask. One day, in frustration, I took a large stack of filings that she had done wrong, along with other tasks that she was suppose to accomplish and went to her office. I put everything down, none too gently, and said, “When you multitask, it means you are doing at least two jobs completely wrong and costing the firm money. Please box your personal items and leave. We will mail your last pay and severance”.
The next secretary that I hired was a transexual. It didn’t bother me that he wore short skirts, ( he has some decent looking legs), and he never pushed being a transexual He didn’t multitask and he made sure everything was done correctly the first time. After five years, I have decided that he was the best hire that I ever did. The Senior pardner tried to steal him from me and he told Bob, there was no way.
Yes, I call him a he, because of my beliefs, and no I do not treat him any different from the female secretaries. If someone does the job and doesn’t cause problems, I believe they should have the job. And I don’t let catty women to make comments about him. It is not proper in any work place.