I remember some comedian (forget who) said that (paraphrased): “With two kids you have man coverage, but with three or more it’s zone, and one of them always gets through.”
This comic jumps all over the place. Just a bit ago she was old enough to guilt her dad into playing with her, now she’s a baby in arms. You want me to pay for a comic that has no continuity? Really??
Claymore Premium Member 3 months ago
I remember some comedian (forget who) said that (paraphrased): “With two kids you have man coverage, but with three or more it’s zone, and one of them always gets through.”
Bruce1253 3 months ago
This comic jumps all over the place. Just a bit ago she was old enough to guilt her dad into playing with her, now she’s a baby in arms. You want me to pay for a comic that has no continuity? Really??
Kalkkuna 3 months ago
Yah and when you get up to four or more they raise themselves.
rroxxanna 3 months ago
I suppose answering “none of your business” in the first panel would be inappropriate.
gcarlson 3 months ago
There’s a Britcom called Outnumbered about precisely that situation.
Dragoncat 3 months ago
Welcome to Custer’s Last Stand! Population: You!