Made me look, but the measuring cup I have has ounces on one side and metric on the other side. But I have to agree with some idiot from R’lyeh above that 1 gram is pretty concentrated. It should have come with a warning label saying a little dab ’ll do ya.
It probably said something like use 300 grams, not 1 gram. I want to know why the laundry detergent is lemon scented? Dishwasher stuff, yes, but not laundry.
There’s no “conversion” from grams to cups. A cup is a volume measurement, whereas a gram is weight. Now a cup of water weighs almost exactly 8 ounces (to be picky, it’s 236.59 Grams or 8.35 Ounces) but a cup of flour weighs about 125g or a bit over half of what the water weighs, and a cup of gold would be 4.5kg or a bit over 10 pounds. So there’s no “use an online unit converter” or “ask Siri.”
some idiot from R'lyeh Premium Member almost 4 years ago
That’s some pretty concentrated powder if it only needs a gram.
pschearer Premium Member almost 4 years ago
It sure looks like he used a kilocup.
stairsteppublishing almost 4 years ago
Thought Canadians used the metric system and that Ben was Canadian. When trying to figure the conversion I asked Siri. Never can remember the formula.
Dani Rice almost 4 years ago
Even after years of measuring foods, I can only remember that 30 grams is an ounce.
raptor almost 4 years ago
1 gram = 1/4 teaspoon… a little vinegar in the water will get rid of the soap easily – makes a great dish water rinse too.
Bruce1253 almost 4 years ago
Well played Sir! You will never be asked to do laundry again. You will however have to help clean up your mess.
pbr50138 almost 4 years ago
When I hear metric sizes on the TV, I convert them into feet, yards or miles, depending on what they’re talking about.
MuddyUSA Premium Member almost 4 years ago
It is a good thing we never went whole hog into the metric system. Holy Crap!
DawnQuinn1 almost 4 years ago
If you are not sure, use an online unit converter. Saves a lot of aggravation.
j.l.farmer almost 4 years ago
i’m surprised they are using powered detergent. if they were using liquid it would be easier for him.
DDrazen almost 4 years ago
Ben’s sideline as a dope dealer was short-lived.
MCProfessor almost 4 years ago
The US really needs to join the rest of the world and use the metric system. The scientific and engineering groups have already done so.
BJIllistrated Premium Member almost 4 years ago
I never understood why we have to have 2 systems of measure. Pick one and teach whoever doesn’t get theirs how to understand the other.
mistercatworks almost 4 years ago
And, no, a pound doesn’t equal a thousand gallons.
cuzinron47 almost 4 years ago
But the whole room will be lemony fresh for a while.
cuzinron47 almost 4 years ago
Made me look, but the measuring cup I have has ounces on one side and metric on the other side. But I have to agree with some idiot from R’lyeh above that 1 gram is pretty concentrated. It should have come with a warning label saying a little dab ’ll do ya.
Plods with ...™ almost 4 years ago
Guess she won’t ask him to do laundry again?
Ainimache Premium Member almost 4 years ago
It probably said something like use 300 grams, not 1 gram. I want to know why the laundry detergent is lemon scented? Dishwasher stuff, yes, but not laundry.
cabalonrye almost 4 years ago
The ghost of the Mars Climate Orbiter strikes again.
prabbit237 almost 4 years ago
There’s no “conversion” from grams to cups. A cup is a volume measurement, whereas a gram is weight. Now a cup of water weighs almost exactly 8 ounces (to be picky, it’s 236.59 Grams or 8.35 Ounces) but a cup of flour weighs about 125g or a bit over half of what the water weighs, and a cup of gold would be 4.5kg or a bit over 10 pounds. So there’s no “use an online unit converter” or “ask Siri.”
mafastore almost 4 years ago
I use liquid detergent and the bottle cap is used to measure the amount needed with lines in it for different amounts.