Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for May 01, 1994
Sheila: Hey! What'd you get on the essay test? Francis: I got a "silver star" sticker! Sheila: Me too! Nate? What did YOU get? Nate: Mumble... Sheila: Oh, come on! Lemme see! Did you get a "silver star"? Why, It looks's...a tiny golden shovel! Nate: Nobody appreciates my lyrical prose.
Tater almost 11 years ago
I don’t get this comic.
Yee almost 7 years ago
there once was a mighty pig
Francis B. Pope over 6 years ago
Frost almost 4 years ago
N8 is a star in the first drawing
Not Wright almost 2 years ago
Francis and shelia found silver stars, but Nate is still loooking.
STUFF ENJOYER over 1 year ago
I don’t get it.