Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for January 29, 1998
Girl 1: There's a boy i really like.. Girl 2: But I like him too! Girl 1: But I liked him first, Meg! you knew that! Girl 2: I'm allowed to like who i want! why are you being so - Girl !: You're supposed to be my best friend! Nate: Girls, Girls ! This conflict is completely pointless! Nate: I hate to disappoint you, but ... "Chuckle" I'm spoken for. Nate: NEXT! (Both girls are confused about what Nate said to them)
Sageman88 about 13 years ago
The correct answer is that its okay that they both like a boy, just who-ever becomes his girlfriend first is the more better successful one and the other fails horribly at life. also the one girl is Gina.
13104marvelmekhi about 7 years ago
Wore peer counseler ever
13104marvelmekhi about 7 years ago
BluJGamer over 6 years ago
Is Nate holding a cigarette in the third panel? It sure looks like it
SKI 93pm almost 5 years ago
Sort of. But his technique is all wrong.
enslavethemollusk over 4 years ago
is that Gina because it looks like Gina
The Cuddlefish about 4 years ago
Scientists find something bigger than the known universe, the ego of an 11 year old boy named Nate Wright
Arcery 7 months ago
It’s probably not a good idea to solve this problem with another boy your age.