Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for December 28, 2008
Teddy says, "What's shakin' bacon?" Nate says, "I'm trying to teach myself a magic trick." Teddy says, "Show me!" Nate says, "Well. You've got this rubber band…" Nate says, "You loop it around you index finger, and the trick is to make it look like it magically jumps to your pinky." Nate says, "You've got to sort of secretly slide it over the end of your pinky, see..." Nate says, "...But I'm not smooth at it yet. I can't do it the way you...Oop!" Zing! Whap! Mrs. Godfrey says, "OW!" Nate thinks, "For my next trick. I'll make the rest of my free period disappear." Detention
tytytyty9876543210 almost 13 years ago
kenivlikesbignate over 12 years ago
i always thought that mrs godfrey had gray hair
Bimps1002 over 12 years ago
why is her dress baby blue?
Colts+Luck=win over 11 years ago
no durrr
Colts+Luck=win over 11 years ago
no durrr
kingsley937 almost 11 years ago
isant that the dude who dared nate to a yo mama smackdown
Snowglobe almost 7 years ago
Wait. You cannot get detention during school hours.
RyguyC24X over 6 years ago
mrs. godfrey looks really weird in this comic….
CreeperBoy135 over 4 years ago
I’m really GOOD at this trick
hockey man about 4 years ago
he is not a magician
anonymous67 almost 4 years ago
AliAdhami almost 4 years ago
That was incredibly mean of her, it was clearly an accident.
《Lily》 Premium Member almost 4 years ago
Wo wo wait. I thought principal Nicholas said there where no free periods!
♞нυитєявσу_z♘ almost 4 years ago
Wait, vacation is over for them?
Alfyn Greengrass almost 4 years ago
Mrs. Godfrey looks so weird
The Comment Section Francis over 3 years ago
The way you what?
QuackQuackMiky over 3 years ago
This mrs Godfrey looks so different
MabelPines1234 over 3 years ago
Wait what just happened about 3 years ago
Why is her hair brown?
Rexmizar almost 3 years ago
Abra Cadabra, Alakazam! Free Period Went Bam Bam!
Insane Nate (Just an empty account) almost 2 years ago
Nate: If I had a nickel for every time I hit Mrs. Godfery in the eye with a rubber band, I’d have 2 nickels, which isnt a lot, but its weird that it happened twice.
Cade over 1 year ago
how come mrs. godfrey is a brunette in this strip instead of having black hair?