Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for December 29, 2012
You know, Marge, seeing Ellen and her beau makes me think about when we were high school sweethearts! Chuckle! Remember when I kissed you under the mistletoe at the "Holiday Hijinks" dance? That wasn't me. That was that tramp Abigail Ostrang. Koff!... Which is why I don't remember it either! I was behind the bleachers with Arnie Pfeiffer!
Feed Me Comics! about 12 years ago
LOL. Gramps, your pretty much Nate. Clueless and says the wrong things at the wrong time.
BigNate+CalvinandHobbes=:) about 12 years ago
a boy and a girl, destinined to get married, yet not dancing… wait, what did I say??
TheQadventures about 12 years ago
Gramps just got burrrrned
fresco b milne about 12 years ago
i love nates grand parents . i also love any strip with goerdie and ellen . my favorite being the " who wears the pants" sunday strip super funny . i rate todays strip 10 out of 10 because its funny and made me smile in every panel . also it has ore than one joke and a false ending . CLASSIC
hometownk Premium Member about 12 years ago
Gramps expression in the last panel says it all. lol
jploch5408 about 12 years ago
I’m surprised we haven’t seen Marty’s brother, what’s his name, Ted? in this sequence.
Poollady about 12 years ago
Way to go Grandma!
sacqueboutier about 12 years ago
Um…..she was behind the bleachers with Arnie and she calls Abigail a tramp? Just for kissing someone under a mistletoe? Who’s really the tramp here?
sonytv about 12 years ago
That’s amazing memory
Comic Minister Premium Member about 12 years ago
So I guess they kissed other people before they got married.
byamrcn about 12 years ago
The second half of the last panel, exactly why this strip is so funny. Surprise!
cookies333 about 12 years ago
Could you please stop. It’s very annoying to scroll through such a long comment. Thank you!: )
7500edg about 12 years ago
Nates gramp looks like Nates dad.
7500edg about 12 years ago
Reply to this comment if you think Big Nate is the best comic EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!
georgelcsmith about 12 years ago
And what was she doing with Arnie Pfeiffer behind the bleachers? Inquiring minds want to know!
yolojudge23 about 12 years ago
dont get it
sonicmario2 about 12 years ago
COMIC-ER about 12 years ago
Fizzyfizstuff about 12 years ago
Just like Nate.
Big Nаte over 3 years ago
Nice save Gramps