I had a brainstorm, boys! I know exactly what we should call ourselves!
We combine the first letters of our last names: Pope, Ortiz, Wright! Get it?
We get it.
Nice move, Dorkus.
Some brainstorms are stormier than others.
that is sad. my dad would have destroyed that book for you. i should know cuz he taught math in college. back to the strip: POW and they all get shiners.
bignate creator over 11 years ago
Wow, did I actually get the first comment? I just got home from a late hockey game.
StoicLion1973 over 11 years ago
Team POW, I like it.
thezar over 11 years ago
Seems to me that no male of that age would call others boys except to annoy them.
dreadlokz over 11 years ago
ArfArf88 over 11 years ago
astar15 over 11 years ago
that is sad. my dad would have destroyed that book for you. i should know cuz he taught math in college. back to the strip: POW and they all get shiners.
zoep123 over 11 years ago
thouπ over 11 years ago
Nate’s face on the third panel
OldestandWisest over 11 years ago
Francis Pope? He must be from a family of church-going Roman Catholics with a name like that!
jimguess over 11 years ago
You have got to be kidding! Is there some sort of contest going on to see who gets the first comment?
How pathetic …
Comic Minister Premium Member over 11 years ago
Sorry guys.
TwihardBallerina over 11 years ago
iFerrarifan over 11 years ago
Somehow, this reminds me of “More Peach Summer”
bignatesgirl over 11 years ago
Teddy and Francis should give a POW to Nate’s face for that.
nicolasrocks over 11 years ago
hi guys i have not been on here for a while but nate is right that is cool
nicolasrocks over 11 years ago
god teachers dont want you to have any fun teachers are such dummies
Agent Comics over 11 years ago
If it really bothers you when people type in first comment enroll your self in the nearest mental hospital lol no offens
rgcviper over 11 years ago
Not to be confused with “BAM!” from Emeril Lagasse.
Or, “Pow—right in the kisser!”
Ninjoark over 11 years ago
BIGNATE#EPIC281 over 8 years ago
Hey guys, there goes the dorky pows.
Yeah, thats not going to work out.
AnnabethChase18 about 7 years ago
UltraCharlie almost 7 years ago
That sounds like something you’d say when you’re a bald kid in a striped shirt and you keep getting knocked over in a baseball game.
Over-Confident Nate (Comic Reviewer) over 3 years ago
is it just me or does Nate only have a best sounding last name?
hudson.mcdiven over 2 years ago