Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for April 15, 2013
TEDDY: Science was brutal today! NATE: Mr. Galvin is the boringest teacher of all time! TEDDY: Maybe he'll retire soon. I think that once teachers turn seventy they have to retire! NATE: Hm. Wonder how old he is. CHAD: Forty? TEDDY: Chad Chad Chad. NATE: Dude, he has ties that are forty.
TripleT almost 12 years ago
He must have ties to the Jurassic period then.
Tue Elung-Jensen almost 12 years ago
Even if you can (probably) use it – a word like “boringest” makes my brain turn off :(
TripleT almost 12 years ago
I’ve resisted saying ‘it’.Now congratulate me.
rogcbrand almost 12 years ago
Thank you for your self-control TripleT!!!
Agent54 almost 12 years ago
big nate yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy almost 12 years ago
Rerun week
orbenjawell Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Mmm. Lots of guys have ties that are at least 40, that they never bothered to get rid of…..“my lucky tie”, e.g. Now, if one is often seen WEARING the ties to his job, then……………
orbenjawell Premium Member almost 12 years ago
I like the reruns!! Could be that they still strike me as “being funny”. I grew up under constant exposure to reruns on TV……this sort of programming (cue in “oh, here comes Darth Vader right now…SHUDDER!!” music here) was considered “part of the plan” while the media folks got R &R, negotiated with sponsors, planned new episodes of a series that looked like it could flourish for another season, negotiated with the often ever-swelling heads of “the players” (oh, it’s TO LAUGH!!) and monitored the rises and fall of their competition on other networks…….and stuff-like-that-there, as ’ol Huck Hound used to say!Nice that so much of the stuff remained funny even after ummm, eleventy-seven or so viewings….often over the course of many years! Haw! Snicker! Laugh! Chortle! Glee, mirth aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand MERRIMMENT!!!!!
Supreme Comic Kid almost 12 years ago
His grandchildren are probably 40.
mariorules91 almost 12 years ago
“And this is a wheel!”
Arsenal rock almost 12 years ago
To Mr Lincoln Peirce,
When is nate gonna get a new gf?
bignatesgirl almost 12 years ago
Poor Chad. He’s just too clueless.
bignatesgirl almost 12 years ago
Mr. Lincoln Peirce, if Nate’s personality is kind of autobiographical, then how did you come up with the idea of Teddy and Francis?
Marvelmoan1114 almost 12 years ago
Chad,Chad,Chad. Hes probably a million years old. Then again, he was born during the hochline epoch, whatever THAT means. That’s next strip. Calling it.
James Hopkins almost 12 years ago
Why do some complain about comic reruns? Everyone needs a break now and then.
bignate creator almost 12 years ago
Yes, this week will feature reruns of earlier strips. But it has nothing to do with me not feeling 100%. I get two weeks of vacation each year. I used the first one back in January, when I was doing the strips for April — that’s why this is a rerun week. I will probably take the other week in July, which means that there will be a week of reruns in October.
Comic Minister Premium Member almost 12 years ago
Not even close Chad!
James Hopkins almost 12 years ago
I get it but remember everyone needs vacation. We’ll survive the week I’m sure. :)
hippogriff almost 12 years ago
Back in the late ‘50s, Dallas had a school superintendent who was Jim Crow’s best friend – all deliberate and no speed. Someone suggested he should be well past retirement age and that might bring the system into the 20th century. A friend said, “That won’t work; back when he was born, they didn’t have birth certificates, but just wrote the details in the family Bible – and Sherman burned it.”
bignate creator almost 12 years ago
You’ll have to settle for happy birthday wishes from your friends and family, I’m afraid. I never respond to appeals like this to include personal greetings in strips, because there are too many of them.
hometownk Premium Member almost 12 years ago
One of hte advantages of being old is that rerun strips are new to me. snort, chortle
cosmiczswag27 almost 12 years ago
HE was probably teaching in the ice age. isnt this a rerun?
cosmiczswag27 almost 12 years ago
my great grama isnt even as old as him!
The#1BoiseStateFan almost 12 years ago
Chad, his ties are from the DODO BIRD!
lukastt almost 12 years ago
Sad chad.
B Dawg almost 9 years ago
maybe 40 hundred years old?
depressed_meme over 4 years ago
has any one else noticed this is one of the only strips where they imply that they don’t age?