Best economic news in over 10 years (low unemployment etc.), yet the headline at MSNBC and CNN…“Now the latest on Stormy Daniels”. Thank goodness there is an alternative.
I’ve decided I would create my own Big Nate strip in the comments section. I can’t do the art though!
Scene 1:
Panel 1:(Walking home from school)Nate: When I really think about it Francis, Ruby has turned out to be a better girlfriend than Jenny!
Panel 2:I mean, she’s smart, she’s clever, she’s super nice, and she’s cute! Jenny on the other hand was only smart, clever, and… and…
Panel 3:Francis: … Nice and cute? Nate: Uh…
Panel 4:Nate: Yes, but Ruby is far more clever becuase she chose magnificent me over ARTUR!Francis: (in thought) And yet one thing still stays the same…
Thanks for reading the whole thing if you did! And if you’re wondering, wait… “Ruby isn’t in the comics! She only appeared in Big Nate Blasts Off!” Well, I want Ruby to appear in the comics. So there! More tommarow!
The secret to writing engrossing stories lies in how you approach the story and the interviewee (and, of course, a few made up elements could help too).
big nate the full comic will come in march 5th 2019 and there is gonna be a big nate movie in september 8th 2019. also here is examples. nate will become more creative than normal and gina and ellen will become more obnoxious. and mrs.godfrey and coach john will become meaner. another example. i went to lincoln peirce’s house and he told me when the REAL full comic will come! also he told me when there is gonna be a big nate movie. also movies take alot of time to make (that’s so true) anyways you will be very very very very very excited to see it!
electricshadow Premium Member over 6 years ago
There was more yellow in his “journalism” than in his shirt.
MiguelNtirampeba over 6 years ago
Are the reruns over?
derdave969 over 6 years ago
Nate, you are right about that. And a large part of the cause is exactly the approach to “journalism” you demonstrated here.
dwane.scoty1 over 6 years ago
Gavin looks like he has a tie sans Shirt!
♞нυитєявσу_z♘ over 6 years ago
RIP: Nate’s Notebook
My First Premium Member over 6 years ago
Best economic news in over 10 years (low unemployment etc.), yet the headline at MSNBC and CNN…“Now the latest on Stormy Daniels”. Thank goodness there is an alternative.
gameboy20 over 6 years ago
I’ve decided I would create my own Big Nate strip in the comments section. I can’t do the art though!
Scene 1:
Panel 1:(Walking home from school)Nate: When I really think about it Francis, Ruby has turned out to be a better girlfriend than Jenny!
Panel 2:I mean, she’s smart, she’s clever, she’s super nice, and she’s cute! Jenny on the other hand was only smart, clever, and… and…
Panel 3:Francis: … Nice and cute? Nate: Uh…
Panel 4:Nate: Yes, but Ruby is far more clever becuase she chose magnificent me over ARTUR!Francis: (in thought) And yet one thing still stays the same…
Thanks for reading the whole thing if you did! And if you’re wondering, wait… “Ruby isn’t in the comics! She only appeared in Big Nate Blasts Off!” Well, I want Ruby to appear in the comics. So there! More tommarow!
JPuzzleWhiz over 6 years ago
Guess this story is “off the record”!
hev1 over 6 years ago
The secret to writing engrossing stories lies in how you approach the story and the interviewee (and, of course, a few made up elements could help too).
LINK_O_NEAL over 6 years ago
Today’s random comic!!!
LINK_O_NEAL over 6 years ago
Wow, that was really, awkward, for the class to see Galvin do that… XD
WCraft Premium Member over 6 years ago
Future USA Today reporter in the making.
n8cwhite over 6 years ago
So what day number are we on for reruns?
Ellen_Wright over 6 years ago
Does anyone here read the newspaper?
Ellen_Wright over 6 years ago
Also can I do a “Riddle of the day?” Riddle of the day: I am always in front of you, but you will never see me. What am I?
dunkinrice over 6 years ago
Mr.Galvin is like my science teacher
tacocomics3000 over 6 years ago
big nate the full comic will come in march 5th 2019 and there is gonna be a big nate movie in september 8th 2019. also here is examples. nate will become more creative than normal and gina and ellen will become more obnoxious. and mrs.godfrey and coach john will become meaner. another example. i went to lincoln peirce’s house and he told me when the REAL full comic will come! also he told me when there is gonna be a big nate movie. also movies take alot of time to make (that’s so true) anyways you will be very very very very very excited to see it!
rigel over 6 years ago
Why has there been no new comments since like 2017???
a non-E mouse over 5 years ago
When will the reruns end?
MabelPines1234 over 3 years ago
What was the cover-up for? what was nate assuming Mr.galvin was covering up?
AliAdhami about 3 years ago
Honestly one of Nate’s tamer “interviews”. He can be a real creep with those sometimes.
Saturn over 2 years ago
Too typical…