Hey guys.It like to take a minute and apologize for yesterday.I just made a gocomics account a couple days ago and did not know that polls were so bad.In the few days that I’ve been commenting,I’ve had lots of fun interacting with other fans of Big Nate,and I hope that my question yesterday did not set any of us off on the wrong foot.I am sorry and I hope that you guys don’t take this as a bad first impression,because I like when everyone gets along because we all share a common interest which is big nate and I don’t want to ruin how you guys think of me,because I truly did not know that polls were that hated,and I’d like to keep communicating to you guys about the comic strip we all love.Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Okay, wait… Nate said “Okay Spitsy, hold still,” and then there was a yip. Then Nate was running with scissors. Did Nate cut a chunk of Spitsy’s tail or something?
Gumball Watterson about 4 years ago
very dangerous
Sandwich about 4 years ago
Panel 5: Nate trips and- never mind
Nierro about 4 years ago
Nate: Holds scissors
Spitsy: Aight imma head out
SpitsyTheDoge about 4 years ago
every comic this week has provided a better profile picture for me
ChadToTheBone about 4 years ago
Everyone gangsta till Nate runs with scissors
ChadToTheBone about 4 years ago
Hey guys.It like to take a minute and apologize for yesterday.I just made a gocomics account a couple days ago and did not know that polls were so bad.In the few days that I’ve been commenting,I’ve had lots of fun interacting with other fans of Big Nate,and I hope that my question yesterday did not set any of us off on the wrong foot.I am sorry and I hope that you guys don’t take this as a bad first impression,because I like when everyone gets along because we all share a common interest which is big nate and I don’t want to ruin how you guys think of me,because I truly did not know that polls were that hated,and I’d like to keep communicating to you guys about the comic strip we all love.Thanks for taking the time to read this.
Hobbes the dragon about 4 years ago
Noting good can come out of Nate cutting spitsy’s fur.
Sandwich about 4 years ago
Nate, usually, you don’t chase dogs around with scissors yelling “fleabag” when you’re trying to groom them.
ND Cool Z about 4 years ago
Careful with those scissors, Nate!
ND Cool Z about 4 years ago
Happy birthday, BonkSlingr: The Bonkening!!
if(comicStrip == "funny") {return "laughter";} about 4 years ago
Is he going to start playing an accordion next? (Like if you get the reference).
Valence (UwU) ✔️ about 4 years ago
Remember kids: never run with scissors
rey mondia about 4 years ago
Surprising how a dog can run away from grooming.
spiderpig_20 about 4 years ago
what has he done now
Arcery about 4 years ago
Don’t force your way in, Nate!
Tyrion HamiltonGoodson about 4 years ago
Never run with scissors
Attwater's prairie chicken about 4 years ago
At least spitsy isn’t decapitated (yet)
Riya_The_Mare about 4 years ago
“He’s running with scissors.” “Sounds about right.”
PinkYoshiFan about 4 years ago
What did Nate DO?!?!?!?!?
Garfieldfan#1 about 4 years ago
Tomorrows strip will be his funeral then Jenny says she loves him and he comes back to life
Clarence about 4 years ago
But there not tweezers, Nate
banjinshiju about 4 years ago
Just wait for the “gland expression”. Then Spitsy will be really moving.
Saints Fan about 4 years ago
At least hold them the right way
BiggerNate91 about 4 years ago
Uh oh, is this arc going to end with Nate getting hurt again?
Neptune_Ninja_Comics ✔️ about 4 years ago
Run Spitsy, Run!
Widget. about 4 years ago
Francis and teddy need to get out of this situation fast.
Bahadurshah about 4 years ago
Anyone might think that Nate is going to kill or torture someone
LordVoldemort about 4 years ago
Use a dog shaver, Nate. Scissors is going to take forever.
ThatEeshEpic about 4 years ago
That epic escape
TheAmazingCrafter about 4 years ago
Rate today’s comic here: https://bignate.fandom.com/f/p/4400000000000000735
Bland'O about 4 years ago
I didn’t check GoComics for a few days. Did anything interesting happen?
spiderpig_20 about 4 years ago
If Big Nate actually grew up, he would be 40 years old.
Riya_The_Mare about 4 years ago
Okay, wait… Nate said “Okay Spitsy, hold still,” and then there was a yip. Then Nate was running with scissors. Did Nate cut a chunk of Spitsy’s tail or something?
CaptainCrawfish about 4 years ago
It’s been awhile since I’ve last read Big Nate comics, and it’s still as funny as I remember!
Mr. Stark about 4 years ago
Why are there check marks next to everyone’s name’s?
✨♕EmperorFTW ɎT!♕✨ about 4 years ago
Nate why u running with scissors?
chezchase about 4 years ago
Spitsy sure hates grooming
{* Cj.løve.the.music *} about 4 years ago
I’ve never seen a dog that scared
SpongeBob (Founder of The Spongebob Club) over 3 years ago
It has been 5 months since featured comment was made, 5 months since first comment was made, and 4 months since last comment was made.