The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for March 11, 2001
Huey: This is disgusting! Oh, goodness, the depravity of it all... Granddad: Boy?! You on the computer? What are you looking at? Huey: I've seen some disturbing things on the net, but this is just inhumane! So devoid of lacking in moral fiber. Granddad: What are you looking at? You better not be lookin' at no filth-flarn-filth on that computer. You know the rules - no funky stuff on that computer!! Huey: I'm reading up on some of Bush's economic and enviromental policies...but I'm not sure I'm old enough to handle it. Nobody cares about protecting kids from the stuff that's really dangerous.
DJaxs312 over 13 years ago
Coolyfett almost 5 years ago
Really Dangerous
Anton Sherwood over 3 years ago
Flarn? Minbari food?
FrostbiteFalls about 2 months ago
Grandad doesn’t need to be as concerned as Huey about how future generations are affected.