The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for July 15, 2024

  1. Ellis archer profile
    Ellis97  3 months ago

    Huey is 10 and he’s already having a mid life crisis.

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    1JennyJenkins  3 months ago

    Mr. McGruder is a prophet.

    Huey might as well be talking about today’s election cycle. While we are on that, Democrats better get out that vote, otherwise, we are all doomed if project 2025 will get a chance to take effect.

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    baraktorvan  3 months ago

    I know how he feels. Everything is different since the Obama years. Kids are more glued to their phones, adults are deaf to listening to people of another perspective, and everyone it seems is locked up in their political silos mimicking society it is sickening. I used to have both Democrat and Republican friends, as well as Independent, but became Americans after the election. Now it seems the identity most have is not American but Republican and Democrat and both are demonizing each other constantly.

    Perfect example is two houses with huge “Fu*k Biden” signs in their picture windows. I wont have anything to do with them. Not because of their politics, but because they now only identify with that bend and won’t come out of the silo to converse about other things we have in common.

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