Well, she is the wicked witch…and feeding someone broccoli and carrots (raw by the looks of things) when they expected gingerbread and chocolate is pretty darn evil!!
How else is she going to fatten him up for dinner…..He’s disappointed because with all that candy on the outside, he was expecting he’d get to eat some of it…
margueritem over 13 years ago
Aw, come on, rabbits like veggies.
Lyons Group, Inc. over 13 years ago
Either way, they like veggies. I do.
lewisbower over 13 years ago
What a rip! Come on Lady, candy, cakes, and oven. You know the story.
Elaine Rosco Premium Member over 13 years ago
I hope that broccoli was sautéed with oil and garlic!
Dkram over 13 years ago
Broccoli and cauliflower is best raw with dip..\\//_
orinoco womble over 13 years ago
Well, she is the wicked witch…and feeding someone broccoli and carrots (raw by the looks of things) when they expected gingerbread and chocolate is pretty darn evil!!
Petemejia77 over 13 years ago
Awww. Poor sad bunny!
Number Three over 13 years ago
LOL xxx
GESWho over 13 years ago
How else is she going to fatten him up for dinner…..He’s disappointed because with all that candy on the outside, he was expecting he’d get to eat some of it…
pumaman over 13 years ago
He could just eat the chair instead.
joe piglet Premium Member over 13 years ago
I no longer need to dig for bUNi he is on the most popular list
joe piglet Premium Member over 13 years ago
Poor bUNi I just looked at the popular list, BOUNCED OFF!
seafood comics over 13 years ago
grandma knows best buni..ya better eat your veggies!and then afterwards you can eat the chair for desert…
3hourtour Premium Member about 13 years ago
..an adult version of this is called:bars..
tegm about 13 years ago
This strip is awesome sometimes XD
That Kazakh Guy almost 7 years ago
At least he isn’t being cooked alive.