Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for February 02, 1986
Calvin: What should we have Dad read us tonight? Dad:..So in the next panel, Supertoad goes "plooie" and..."My what big teeth you have! Said Little Red Riding Hood. "The better to eat you with!" said the wolf...Calvin: Tiger. Dad: .."Said the tiger. And he pounced on Little Red Riding Hood." :Just then a hunter came by, and when he saw the wolf.." Calvin: Tiger. Dad: "When he saw the tiger, he picked up his gun and..." Calvin: ..And? Dad: ..."And it was too late. The tiger ate them both and he kuved haooukt ever after. The end." Calvin: Good story, Dad! Thanks! Hobbes: Sniff I always cry at happy endings.
theOPTIMUSprime89 over 14 years ago
gud frend!
neopandya over 14 years ago
Calvin making sure his alter ego gets an emotionally appeasing bedtime story !
Gathol about 14 years ago
Cheers to dad for picking up the subtle listener feedback! woot!
MelbourneHardstyle almost 14 years ago
What? There was subtle feedback? Dare-say, I think I missed it…
bmonk over 13 years ago
The only way that ending could be happier would be if there was tuna to eat…
insidethenfl over 13 years ago
Good thing Hobbes doesn’t know how the story really ends…..
yow4zip Premium Member over 12 years ago
A tiger makes everything better.
Starfollower777 about 12 years ago
Happy for you, maybe.
GarfieldJune19 over 10 years ago
That’s not what happened!!!!!
Bill Nye the Science Cat over 8 years ago
That was a really inspirational story.
BarrelO'Molasses Premium Member almost 8 years ago
One of my favorites.
Matt-E about 7 years ago
What happened to putting your child to sleep with a story? But this version is definitely better than the original, we can agree…
203298 about 7 years ago
I thought Calvin would freak at the end, then Hobbes gives Calvin a deadly smile
Unicorn55 (Happy New Year 2022!) over 3 years ago
Little Orange Riding Hood and the big Orange Tiger
Nate Wright (Mischief God) over 3 years ago
I’m still chuckling after reading this one.
Loki91308 over 2 years ago
Supertoad? I thought Calvin’s favorite superhero was called Captain Napalm.