Ray C the time adventure is not over. This was a reason Waterson got out because he was not allowed to continue serial themes into Sunday and the spacing restraints. Have no fear it will continue and is a classic!
Umm you guys, these comics are all really old. Just go to the library and get the collection. These are all in there. I’ve seen all of them at least twice.
Umm you guys, these comics are all really old. Just go to the library and get the collection. These are all in there. I’ve seen all of them at least twice.
I was lost in some small woods ocne. Then we found out you can cut through it to the next street. It was freaky comign out in another place, because there wa sno other exits, and we always thought there was just the one.
It was great memories for all of us to read those old classic comics of Calvin and Hobbes. I don’t mind either new or old the strips are. Enjoy reading it!
When i was younger getting lost in the woods was the greatest adventure i could think of. two weeks ago my cousin and i went for a walk in the woods and we ended up like a mile away from her house.i totally freaked out.stuff like that is just more fun when you’re 7 and don’t know anything.although my freaking out was probaly due to reading a million mysteries and watching CSI all the time.
This happened to me wen I was a little kid with my friend Evan. I was about 5. We were in his backyard with some girl- who i forgot the name of- and we walked seemingly a half hour. We looked back and his backyard was there. Heh, I think it was becse his parents wanted us back in. Evan cried because I carried the backpack with the goldfish crackers and he didn’t. I still talk to Evan sometimes.
ComicFan2786 over 16 years ago
day dream is realy fun for kids like calvin. : )
Ray_C over 16 years ago
Thus ends the time machine adventure? Shucks. Way too short.
GreenEyedMadman over 16 years ago
From 1985 to 1995 I read the comics everyday to see what Calvin was going to do next. Bill Watterson brought the kid out of many of us.
shasneha over 16 years ago
ha ha ha love u both calvin and hobbes.but from tommorow plz continue wth the time machine
Outlawking over 16 years ago
Ray C the time adventure is not over. This was a reason Waterson got out because he was not allowed to continue serial themes into Sunday and the spacing restraints. Have no fear it will continue and is a classic!
dahling128 over 16 years ago
Umm you guys, these comics are all really old. Just go to the library and get the collection. These are all in there. I’ve seen all of them at least twice.
dahling128 over 16 years ago
Umm you guys, these comics are all really old. Just go to the library and get the collection. These are all in there. I’ve seen all of them at least twice.
swolf48110 over 16 years ago
Who the heck CARES if they’re old… they’re still great to read!
sfb5761 over 16 years ago
Still the best and funniest strip ever written!
Silverpearl over 16 years ago
Well, Dahling, why bother us with your comments if you’ve seen them before?
turningnutty over 16 years ago
This may be rerun but they are classic! I would not mind read them again. They are so funny.
WickedCrazy over 16 years ago
dahling128: DUUUHHHHHH
greaserman44 over 16 years ago
calvin and hobbes is great
but bill watterson is a wierd guy at times
i dont get why he wont just let newspapers do reruns of calvin and hobbes
what would be cool is a calvin and hobbes tv show
Requin over 16 years ago
I love the second to last panel.
ltbwolf over 16 years ago
no time machine for awhile, that is if they follow the books
tabbylynn over 16 years ago
dahling128 you just take the fun out of these. i am sorry but come one.
mrprongs over 16 years ago
I was lost in some small woods ocne. Then we found out you can cut through it to the next street. It was freaky comign out in another place, because there wa sno other exits, and we always thought there was just the one.
hobbesluver269 over 16 years ago
I have no idea where Calvin gets his imagination. I tried to be like Calvin when I was younger, and no such luck.
Wildmustang1262 over 16 years ago
It was great memories for all of us to read those old classic comics of Calvin and Hobbes. I don’t mind either new or old the strips are. Enjoy reading it!
reggie over 16 years ago
The wise mum knows that hunger is the best homing instinct.
bethluvsbooks over 16 years ago
When i was younger getting lost in the woods was the greatest adventure i could think of. two weeks ago my cousin and i went for a walk in the woods and we ended up like a mile away from her house.i totally freaked out.stuff like that is just more fun when you’re 7 and don’t know anything.although my freaking out was probaly due to reading a million mysteries and watching CSI all the time.
Mrperson777 over 16 years ago
This happened to me wen I was a little kid with my friend Evan. I was about 5. We were in his backyard with some girl- who i forgot the name of- and we walked seemingly a half hour. We looked back and his backyard was there. Heh, I think it was becse his parents wanted us back in. Evan cried because I carried the backpack with the goldfish crackers and he didn’t. I still talk to Evan sometimes.
corncake21 over 16 years ago
Its really funny!!!!!!!!!! You should try it you will laugh your head off!!!!!!
duggie152001 over 16 years ago
greaserman i completely agree, a tv show with calvin and hobbes would be hilarious.
Terry1844 over 16 years ago
But Mommmm Hobbes is hungry too!!!
tyow over 16 years ago
ho om calvin is always geting lost