Some cartoonist a few years ago (I think it was Family Circus) invented a ghost-like character named Not Me who appeared when all the kids in the house accused him of some atrocity.
Ahhh the days of exploding bags of flour, packs of butter and eggs against the kitchen walls, whilst creating imaginative and ‘realistic’ battle scenes are long behind me, or are they fast re-approaching me at the other end of my life…. Ahhh senility my trusted friend come hither!
Calvin stay the child you are, the gap between this and your next childhood is awfully long.
Calvin needs a sibling to blame things on, it’s time his parents got around to ordering him a baby sister, blaming it Hobbes who adults can’t see or even on imaginary aliens doesn’t seem to pass muster with his parents ;)
Children lie to avoid consequences. If mom simply asks him to clean up the mess (and helps him do it) he learns not to fear consequences anf therefore is less likely to develop a habit of avoiding through lies.
That’s an interesting theory. The reality is that the “consequences” you refer to involve work. Mom helping is not enough because the child is still expected to work. If mom helps or does it for him, child learns that mom will bail him out and he doesn’t have to worry so much about cleaning up after himself. The lies do not stop magically. lol Some children have more of a penchant for it than others, but still they lie. Many will blame a sibling and try to get the sibling to do all the work.
Adults are always quick to blame children for lying to avoid the consequences of their misguided acts. But adults are never quick to blame themselves for doing the very same thing. Some adults will further say they weren’t lying they were just saying what happened. Well, that’s just excuse making and excuses are nothing more than insulting lies that are actually worse than the original offense. So lay off of Calvin you adult lie mongers until you are pure enough to cast the first stone.
When Calvin’s parents divorce, and they will, Calvin will ask, “Was it because of me?” There will be a resounding, “Yes.” from both parents, who will fight over who WON’T get custody.
ushindi. you (and I)are obviously going to roast in the everlasting fires of hell….but at least we will be entertained by George Carlin who obviously is already there…….
did you like the “HOW FUNNY IS HE NOW?” bit?
and, did you notice, with all the thumping comments that followed…nobody had an answer/explanation for those actual bible quotes
I mentioned… know, the word of GOD..
I agree she should make him clean up the mess. Come back every 10 minutes to see how he’s doing. If he doesn’t do it, no dinner! Oops I forgot, she can’t cook so that would be doing him a favour!
Ninmas, we agree but for different reasons. Down with children!
[And to all of you who will now feel obliged to tell me you can’t have adults with kids…. Don’t ….. I already know. Look, fewer kids will eventually result in fewer adults. Fewer adults eventually results in a better earth. A better earth is, well, just better. ] [Oh yes, and all of you who are compelled to write and say if I want less people I should volunteer first, Please be aware I have a serious heart condition and will do just that very soon. Frankly, with people behaving progressively worse the more of them their are and the earth becoming ever more wasted, I can hardly wait to leave.]
Where are you going?…if it’s into oblivion, enjoy eternity in absentia! Pardon me if I’m cynical, but that should be your bailiwick, or right down your alley.
I’m sorry about your ‘serious heart condition’ if sympathy means anything to you. I pray for your salvation unless you don’t want it.
I hope George Carlin isn’t ‘there’. A dying breath conversion is a remote possibility. One thief on the cross was promised, “you will be with me in paradise.”
One thief was saved that we might not despair.
The other thief remained lost that we might not presume (be presumptuous).
“Mothers are the necessity of invention” No other words having been spoken carry more wisdom…
Well: Man who fly’s upside down have crack up…
Comes close?
¨Mom should’ve just said “CALVIN!!! Get your butt over here and clean this mess you made!!!”
Ya and Mom help too. Can being a good moment for share the time.
Adults need being smart for made learn situation for kids. And always with love, (Anyway some times kids can being very annoying). Thinking it… If you has been beloved in your childhood, maybe you can being a better adult.
Well, nighthawks, you and I are doomed. I mean the people that wrote the bible said God said this, and how can you question the truth and wisdom of sun-crazed desert wanderers from thousands of years ago, people who heard burning bushes speaking to them, people who actually saw “miracles”, the dead arising, water turned to wine, parting an entire sea, just really great stuff. They even knew that epilepsy was caused by demons - how can you not believe people like this? I would believe implicitly, except I know FOR A FACT that the Wizard of Oz is the one true God, and the Scarecrow is my savior. Whosoever is not born again through and in the Scarecrow will never see the Kingdom of Oz. I read this in an old book…
If I speak briefly, it’s insufficient for some people’s understanding. If I speak more extensively, I’m long-winded and verbose. I’m between a rock and a hard place. I’m condemned if I do, and condemned if I don’t.
However, I will respond to your accusations besmirching the character of God, and be as concise, precise and succinct as I can.
“Shall mortal man be more just than God? Shall a man be more pure than his maker?”
Job 4:17
“You have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bare you on eagles’ wings, and brought you unto myself.
Now therefore, if you will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then you shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine:
And you shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. These are the words which you shall speak unto the children of Israel.
And Moses came and called for the elders of the people, and laid before their faces all these words which the Lord commanded him.
And all the people answered together, and said, All that the Lord has spoken we will do. And Moses returned the words of the people unto the Lord.
Exodus 19:4-8
The people made a solemn agreement with God that they would obey his commandments, which were given in Exodus 20. To persuade the reluctant people to comply, God declared that there would be capital offenses, (punishable by death). This was to convince them that it was not a light matter to disobey God. God is holy and God is sovereign. He is worthy of our allegiance.
The sabbath was given as a day of rest for the people’s good. They needed to take a break one day a week.
Marriage was the first institution established by God in Genesis 2. It was the best arrangement for couples, (a man and a woman). Straying from the God-ordained arrangement brings both natural (disease and disorder, etc.) and judicial consequences.
Israel must destroy the heathen and pagan nations of the land because they were wicked, idolatrous and perverse in their behavior and lifestyle.
“But if you fail to drive out the people of the land, those who remain will be like splinters in your eyes, and thorns in your sides. They will harass you in the land where you live.”
Numbers 33:55
The people of Israel did not completely obey God. They followed the ways of the heathen nations around them.
The rest is history.
Paul M. : Among all the child psychologists and theologians (and how did this turn into a “God” debate in the first place?) you are the only one who noticed what a great punch line that was.
“Mothers are the necessity of invention.” I love it!!
BTW, the Bible invites us to test it, and so I have, and found it to be right on when properly translated. I don’t think quoting bible verses to those who reject the Bible from the get-go is going to help much, though. They merely brush them aside.
It would take much time, and this is not the forum, to convince the skeptics.
Puddleglum2, I can quote ¨On the Origin of Species¨ of Charles Darwin, just quote it, don spoke about true or false of it sentences.
Just because you believe in it, doesn’t means that it is true.
If you dont believe in Christian god (or any god), nothing happen. Half of the world people believe in other things, see chinese culture for example. Chineses had a rich philosophy belief.
You can believe the west culture and believe in Christian god, or believe to the facts and follow the science.
The true isn’t wrote in a 2 thousand ancient book. Facts are the true, and that true is write all days.
In my house you never know if the husband, son, or granddaughter made the mess it all looks the same afterwards. I have to remind them all on a daily basis to pick up after themselves. Somehow they think the elves come out at night and pick up everything and make it all shiny. I always remind them the elves went on vacation and never came back.
jrbj I would agree with you and for the sole reason that you can see this not just as a fact but as a necessity implies that you would be a good choice to be one of the ones to remain, should some vast winnowing process be enacted upon this once fair planet, it’s a shame your health might prevent that from ever being the case, and my good thoughts go to your health and I hope it’s improvement ;)
All the bible talk reminds me of my brother-in-law. He’s a very opinionated and bigoted individual. He was into one of his rants one day and I politely said to him “I don’t agree.” So he repeated himself this time it got louder and louder. I finally had to yell at him “IT DOESN’T MATTER IF YOU REPEAT AND YELL OVER AND OVER. I STILL DON’T AGREE WITH YOU.”
This comic today reminds me so much about my daughter. I swear she must follow me around the house and undoes all my cleaning. Very frustrating! Grrrrrrr! She’s a regular tornado.
there is nothing about evolution that can be proven true, in fact it is a whole lot eisier to prove it wrong.
Darwin himself figured out as he was dying that his theory didn’t work and probably the only reason the idea is still out there is because Darwin’s family was making money off the idea and wouldn’t let anyone know for a really long time that it didn’t work, and by then there were lots of other scientists who had decided that it made more sense than creation.
There is one simple reason why evolution doesn’t work, things have a tendancy to, when left alone, decay not to create inteligent life forms.
There was a study once by a group of scientists who believed in evolution as to the probability that it would work so that they could show people that evolution was most likely to be true. The results of the study were aproximatly the same as the probablity of a tornado going through a junkyard and creating a special, fancy, working, rare, car in all one color.
All this insufferable Christian preaching reminds me of Gandhi’s observation: “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”
~Time for some of you get out of your Christianism and back to Christ.
“Mothers are the necessity of invention.”
It’s a clever rewording (which changes the meaning) of the axiom, “Necessity is the mother of invention.” (for the benefit of anyone who has not heard it before) In essence, it means that when there is a real need, someone will find a way to fulfill the need, accomplish the objective, get the job done, etc.
“Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” That’s another way to put it.
Gandhi (and others like him) use Christians as a lame excuse for not becoming Christian themselves. The apostle Paul said, “Follow me as I follow Christ.”
Gandhi sounds like a few holier-than-thou types here who excel in finding fault with Christians. If you can do it better, become Christian and show the rest of us how it should be done.
“And David said unto Gad, I am in a great strait: let us fall now into the hand of the Lord; for his mercies are great: and let me not fall into the hand of man.”
II Samuel 24:14
Please daphygirl read more about evolution theory, but please read of autorizate autors, dont read creationism lies.
(At least read both of them)
The proud is in biology, genetic, etc. Between a old happy like humanoid shape men god, and a theory that try explain with facts , what do you choise? Come, i wonder how people still belief in a god. Is weird.
Anyway like a guy in a past post say, Calvin and Hobbes comic strip isn’t the place for chat about this theme. :)
I have to say that I am with mom on this. In my family, anyone who was caught lying to get out of trouble ended up in more trouble than they would have been in if they had owned up to what they had done.
Few things tweak me more than someone who lies to get out of trouble… whether that trouble was real or imagined.
I didn’t even bother reading half of the religiously inclined posts, but I do wonder from the cartoon how they managed to turn it into a religious rant ^_^
It seems rather egotistical to presume you are right and everyone else is wrong and hence to me rather unchristian, I think there are an awful lot of rather large planks that need removing from some very blurry eyes here!
Puddleglum2 says: ”If you can do it better, become Christian and show the rest of us how it should be done.”
I was one of your kind of Christians for many years until Christ, Himself, showed me a far better way. I now joyfully follow HIM and not all you strutting pettifoggers.
There……I just showed you how it should be done in less than 30 words.
: )
Just to straighten things out a bit, DreamScourge, the first comment that mentioned God or the bible was:
nighthawks said, about 11 hours ago
ushindi. you (and I)are obviously going to roast in the everlasting fires of hell….but at least we will be entertained by George Carlin who obviously is already there…….
did you like the “HOW FUNNY IS HE NOW?” bit?
and, did you notice, with all the thumping comments that followed…nobody had an answer/explanation for those actual bible quotes
I mentioned… know, the word of GOD..
So…it appears to me that the “religious rant” was started by WAY off-topic comments by couple of people who claim not to be Christians.
If you ‘joyfully follow HIM’, then we are spiritual brothers.
‘Strutting pettifoggers’ is a clever term, but I’m disappointed in your applying it to us instead of the atheists. I think you have perceived us inaccurately, but God is the righteous judge. I leave it in his hands.
So, they take my silence as meaning I have no argument. There’s just no room for lessons here. And besides, if I argue with a fool (don’t get your knickers in a twist, I mean the biblical definition of that word) who is the bigger fool (the secular definition)?
Thanks Ray C for clearing that up, I get a bit lazy in my reading when one post takes up a whole screen lol
I would like to add one more thought to the maelstrom that is already here tho’ I’ll try to keep it to half a page ;)
The words of the wise, whether they be those of a teacher, a prophet or of a higher power are forged as tools and weapons to be used to winnow out the dross and defeat the evil that lurks within yourself. To use them against others will blunt and damage them causing them to shatter in your hand. To use them thus is a sin against the truth they contain.
Utilise them instead to forge yourself into the ultimate weapon one that will lead others to the path you walk, that in being true to yourself and what you believe, you will become a beacon to others, because that which you believe in can be seen to be just and true. Your example will lead them to search out the words for themselves, only then should you preach to them, tho’ teach them would be a wiser thing to do.
No other weapon is needed, no other weapon will remain as sharp, no other weapon is without sin!
Paul M. : Among all the child psychologists and theologians (and how did this turn into a “God” debate in the first place?) you are the only one who noticed what a great punch line that was.
“Mothers are the necessity of invention.” I love it!!
BTW, the Bible invites us to test it, and so I have, and found it to be right on when properly translated. I don’t think quoting bible verses to those who reject the Bible from the get-go is going to help much, though. They merely brush them aside.
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margueritem about 15 years ago
Too bad your invention was so weak…
olivetree about 15 years ago
Wonder what the mess was? my imagination runs wild…
WoodEye about 15 years ago
So does Calvins.
ben_david about 15 years ago
Some cartoonist a few years ago (I think it was Family Circus) invented a ghost-like character named Not Me who appeared when all the kids in the house accused him of some atrocity.
josh_bisbee about 15 years ago
And “The Revenge of the Baby-Sat” collection begins.
kreole about 15 years ago
A kids job is to make a mess…she was a little tough on him. She could have just said, Calvin, clean up this mess. (She knew who did it).
vibjyor about 15 years ago
‘A kids job is to make a mess…’
I don’t think so. It is a kid’s pleasure to make a mess. Just make it a job for Calvin to create a mess and then he will make no more mess.
Praxsis about 15 years ago
He got caugt cause he used the wrong pronoun because Women are from Venus, Men from Mars….ROFLOL
tirnaaisling about 15 years ago
Ahhh the days of exploding bags of flour, packs of butter and eggs against the kitchen walls, whilst creating imaginative and ‘realistic’ battle scenes are long behind me, or are they fast re-approaching me at the other end of my life…. Ahhh senility my trusted friend come hither!
Calvin stay the child you are, the gap between this and your next childhood is awfully long.
Calvin needs a sibling to blame things on, it’s time his parents got around to ordering him a baby sister, blaming it Hobbes who adults can’t see or even on imaginary aliens doesn’t seem to pass muster with his parents ;)
lloron74 about 15 years ago
…makes me miss my mom!
Yukoner about 15 years ago
Children lie to avoid consequences. If mom simply asks him to clean up the mess (and helps him do it) he learns not to fear consequences anf therefore is less likely to develop a habit of avoiding through lies.
Downeasta about 15 years ago
Hobbes did it!!! bleeep that cat! It should be hobbes that gets punished. LOL
zero about 15 years ago
I hereby demand a Calvin & Hobbes movie. You hear me Cameron?
Nebulous Premium Member about 15 years ago
Was THIS the Noodle Incident?
The world will never know.
woodwork about 15 years ago
“gonna kill that boy…I just gotta”…..from Dobie Gillis
11Wilderness11 about 15 years ago
That’s an interesting theory. The reality is that the “consequences” you refer to involve work. Mom helping is not enough because the child is still expected to work. If mom helps or does it for him, child learns that mom will bail him out and he doesn’t have to worry so much about cleaning up after himself. The lies do not stop magically. lol Some children have more of a penchant for it than others, but still they lie. Many will blame a sibling and try to get the sibling to do all the work.
jbmetalmonster about 15 years ago
ben_david, that was family circus
jrbj about 15 years ago
Adults are always quick to blame children for lying to avoid the consequences of their misguided acts. But adults are never quick to blame themselves for doing the very same thing. Some adults will further say they weren’t lying they were just saying what happened. Well, that’s just excuse making and excuses are nothing more than insulting lies that are actually worse than the original offense. So lay off of Calvin you adult lie mongers until you are pure enough to cast the first stone.
lewisbower about 15 years ago
When my Mom would ask me that question in the first panel, why oh why didn’t I just say, Well Duh?”
DetectiveKemper about 15 years ago
When Calvin’s parents divorce, and they will, Calvin will ask, “Was it because of me?” There will be a resounding, “Yes.” from both parents, who will fight over who WON’T get custody.
madampresiden12 about 15 years ago
I remember Not Me from the Family Circus and he had a sister Ida Know.
Plods with ...™ about 15 years ago
LAME - Should have gone with Venusian SQUIRRELS
Nighthawks Premium Member about 15 years ago
ushindi. you (and I)are obviously going to roast in the everlasting fires of hell….but at least we will be entertained by George Carlin who obviously is already there……. did you like the “HOW FUNNY IS HE NOW?” bit?
and, did you notice, with all the thumping comments that followed…nobody had an answer/explanation for those actual bible quotes I mentioned… know, the word of GOD..
GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago
ben_david I remember not me. That was funny.
——- Calvin, Mom’s not going to buy that lame excuse any more than any of your others. She’s already been there done that and knows all the tricks.
caucel about 15 years ago
I think that Hobbes can say a better lie Calvin… You need improve your inventive!
ninmas about 15 years ago
adults and children can’t co-exist with eachother.
alondra about 15 years ago
I agree she should make him clean up the mess. Come back every 10 minutes to see how he’s doing. If he doesn’t do it, no dinner! Oops I forgot, she can’t cook so that would be doing him a favour!
cleokaya about 15 years ago
I was one of those little kids who kept things neat. I used to fret when other kids disturbed my sense of order. Go figure!
jrbj about 15 years ago
Ninmas, we agree but for different reasons. Down with children! [And to all of you who will now feel obliged to tell me you can’t have adults with kids…. Don’t ….. I already know. Look, fewer kids will eventually result in fewer adults. Fewer adults eventually results in a better earth. A better earth is, well, just better. ] [Oh yes, and all of you who are compelled to write and say if I want less people I should volunteer first, Please be aware I have a serious heart condition and will do just that very soon. Frankly, with people behaving progressively worse the more of them their are and the earth becoming ever more wasted, I can hardly wait to leave.]
Puddleglum2 about 15 years ago
Where are you going?…if it’s into oblivion, enjoy eternity in absentia! Pardon me if I’m cynical, but that should be your bailiwick, or right down your alley. I’m sorry about your ‘serious heart condition’ if sympathy means anything to you. I pray for your salvation unless you don’t want it.
Puddleglum2 about 15 years ago
@Ushindi, I hope George Carlin isn’t ‘there’. A dying breath conversion is a remote possibility. One thief on the cross was promised, “you will be with me in paradise.” One thief was saved that we might not despair. The other thief remained lost that we might not presume (be presumptuous).
Captain_Commando about 15 years ago
Mom should’ve just said “CALVIN!!! Get your butt over here and clean this mess you made!!!”
Trainwreck_1 about 15 years ago
“Mothers are the necessity of invention” No other words having been spoken carry more wisdom… Well: Man who fly’s upside down have crack up… Comes close?
caucel about 15 years ago
¨Mom should’ve just said “CALVIN!!! Get your butt over here and clean this mess you made!!!”
Ya and Mom help too. Can being a good moment for share the time.
Adults need being smart for made learn situation for kids. And always with love, (Anyway some times kids can being very annoying). Thinking it… If you has been beloved in your childhood, maybe you can being a better adult.
Ushindi about 15 years ago
Well, nighthawks, you and I are doomed. I mean the people that wrote the bible said God said this, and how can you question the truth and wisdom of sun-crazed desert wanderers from thousands of years ago, people who heard burning bushes speaking to them, people who actually saw “miracles”, the dead arising, water turned to wine, parting an entire sea, just really great stuff. They even knew that epilepsy was caused by demons - how can you not believe people like this? I would believe implicitly, except I know FOR A FACT that the Wizard of Oz is the one true God, and the Scarecrow is my savior. Whosoever is not born again through and in the Scarecrow will never see the Kingdom of Oz. I read this in an old book…
daphygirl about 15 years ago
Mom already knew who did it, she just enjoys scaring calvin and then hearing his response so that she can laugh about it with her friends later.
oh sorry susan001 that’s right, she can laugh about it with the babysitter later.
TerriAKF about 15 years ago
Ben_David, et al
If memory serves, the Family Circus character’s name sounded like a child saying, “I don’t know.” It was something like ‘Ida Know.’
Puddleglum2 about 15 years ago
If I speak briefly, it’s insufficient for some people’s understanding. If I speak more extensively, I’m long-winded and verbose. I’m between a rock and a hard place. I’m condemned if I do, and condemned if I don’t. @nighthawks, However, I will respond to your accusations besmirching the character of God, and be as concise, precise and succinct as I can. “Shall mortal man be more just than God? Shall a man be more pure than his maker?” Job 4:17 “You have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bare you on eagles’ wings, and brought you unto myself. Now therefore, if you will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then you shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine: And you shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. These are the words which you shall speak unto the children of Israel. And Moses came and called for the elders of the people, and laid before their faces all these words which the Lord commanded him. And all the people answered together, and said, All that the Lord has spoken we will do. And Moses returned the words of the people unto the Lord. Exodus 19:4-8 The people made a solemn agreement with God that they would obey his commandments, which were given in Exodus 20. To persuade the reluctant people to comply, God declared that there would be capital offenses, (punishable by death). This was to convince them that it was not a light matter to disobey God. God is holy and God is sovereign. He is worthy of our allegiance. The sabbath was given as a day of rest for the people’s good. They needed to take a break one day a week. Marriage was the first institution established by God in Genesis 2. It was the best arrangement for couples, (a man and a woman). Straying from the God-ordained arrangement brings both natural (disease and disorder, etc.) and judicial consequences. Israel must destroy the heathen and pagan nations of the land because they were wicked, idolatrous and perverse in their behavior and lifestyle. “But if you fail to drive out the people of the land, those who remain will be like splinters in your eyes, and thorns in your sides. They will harass you in the land where you live.” Numbers 33:55 The people of Israel did not completely obey God. They followed the ways of the heathen nations around them. The rest is history.
lazygrazer about 15 years ago
I remain amazed at how little parents know about space aliens.
Ray_C about 15 years ago
Paul M. : Among all the child psychologists and theologians (and how did this turn into a “God” debate in the first place?) you are the only one who noticed what a great punch line that was. “Mothers are the necessity of invention.” I love it!! BTW, the Bible invites us to test it, and so I have, and found it to be right on when properly translated. I don’t think quoting bible verses to those who reject the Bible from the get-go is going to help much, though. They merely brush them aside. It would take much time, and this is not the forum, to convince the skeptics.
caucel about 15 years ago
Puddleglum2, I can quote ¨On the Origin of Species¨ of Charles Darwin, just quote it, don spoke about true or false of it sentences.
Just because you believe in it, doesn’t means that it is true.
If you dont believe in Christian god (or any god), nothing happen. Half of the world people believe in other things, see chinese culture for example. Chineses had a rich philosophy belief.
You can believe the west culture and believe in Christian god, or believe to the facts and follow the science.
The true isn’t wrote in a 2 thousand ancient book. Facts are the true, and that true is write all days.
coffeeturtle about 15 years ago
there’s got to be forums out there for those types of discussions guys, no? This is just Calvin and Hobbes… a cartoon strip!
Dino-1 about 15 years ago
In my house you never know if the husband, son, or granddaughter made the mess it all looks the same afterwards. I have to remind them all on a daily basis to pick up after themselves. Somehow they think the elves come out at night and pick up everything and make it all shiny. I always remind them the elves went on vacation and never came back.
coffeeturtle about 15 years ago
@madampresiden12 said, about 6 hours ago
I remember Not Me from the Family Circus and he had a sister Ida Know.
I remember that and it was pretty funny! :)
tirnaaisling about 15 years ago
jrbj I would agree with you and for the sole reason that you can see this not just as a fact but as a necessity implies that you would be a good choice to be one of the ones to remain, should some vast winnowing process be enacted upon this once fair planet, it’s a shame your health might prevent that from ever being the case, and my good thoughts go to your health and I hope it’s improvement ;)
BigHug about 15 years ago
All the bible talk reminds me of my brother-in-law. He’s a very opinionated and bigoted individual. He was into one of his rants one day and I politely said to him “I don’t agree.” So he repeated himself this time it got louder and louder. I finally had to yell at him “IT DOESN’T MATTER IF YOU REPEAT AND YELL OVER AND OVER. I STILL DON’T AGREE WITH YOU.”
BigHug about 15 years ago
This comic today reminds me so much about my daughter. I swear she must follow me around the house and undoes all my cleaning. Very frustrating! Grrrrrrr! She’s a regular tornado.
Don Freeman about 15 years ago
Everyone has to have something to believe in. I believe I’ll have another beer.
ottod Premium Member about 15 years ago
I believe in Bondo.
Caucel, you nailed it.
daphygirl about 15 years ago
there is nothing about evolution that can be proven true, in fact it is a whole lot eisier to prove it wrong. Darwin himself figured out as he was dying that his theory didn’t work and probably the only reason the idea is still out there is because Darwin’s family was making money off the idea and wouldn’t let anyone know for a really long time that it didn’t work, and by then there were lots of other scientists who had decided that it made more sense than creation. There is one simple reason why evolution doesn’t work, things have a tendancy to, when left alone, decay not to create inteligent life forms. There was a study once by a group of scientists who believed in evolution as to the probability that it would work so that they could show people that evolution was most likely to be true. The results of the study were aproximatly the same as the probablity of a tornado going through a junkyard and creating a special, fancy, working, rare, car in all one color.
lazygrazer about 15 years ago
All this insufferable Christian preaching reminds me of Gandhi’s observation: “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”
~Time for some of you get out of your Christianism and back to Christ.
Puddleglum2 about 15 years ago
“Mothers are the necessity of invention.” It’s a clever rewording (which changes the meaning) of the axiom, “Necessity is the mother of invention.” (for the benefit of anyone who has not heard it before) In essence, it means that when there is a real need, someone will find a way to fulfill the need, accomplish the objective, get the job done, etc. “Where there’s a will, there’s a way.” That’s another way to put it.
Puddleglum2 about 15 years ago
Gandhi (and others like him) use Christians as a lame excuse for not becoming Christian themselves. The apostle Paul said, “Follow me as I follow Christ.” Gandhi sounds like a few holier-than-thou types here who excel in finding fault with Christians. If you can do it better, become Christian and show the rest of us how it should be done. “And David said unto Gad, I am in a great strait: let us fall now into the hand of the Lord; for his mercies are great: and let me not fall into the hand of man.” II Samuel 24:14
caucel about 15 years ago
grazer: you are right. A good quote. :)
Please daphygirl read more about evolution theory, but please read of autorizate autors, dont read creationism lies.
(At least read both of them)
The proud is in biology, genetic, etc. Between a old happy like humanoid shape men god, and a theory that try explain with facts , what do you choise? Come, i wonder how people still belief in a god. Is weird.
Anyway like a guy in a past post say, Calvin and Hobbes comic strip isn’t the place for chat about this theme. :)
VanHelsingIsBoss about 15 years ago
lol just read the comic and stop analizing and preaching about it
1148559 about 15 years ago
I have to say that I am with mom on this. In my family, anyone who was caught lying to get out of trouble ended up in more trouble than they would have been in if they had owned up to what they had done.
Few things tweak me more than someone who lies to get out of trouble… whether that trouble was real or imagined.
tirnaaisling about 15 years ago
Lol BigHug, well said ;)
I didn’t even bother reading half of the religiously inclined posts, but I do wonder from the cartoon how they managed to turn it into a religious rant ^_^
It seems rather egotistical to presume you are right and everyone else is wrong and hence to me rather unchristian, I think there are an awful lot of rather large planks that need removing from some very blurry eyes here!
lazygrazer about 15 years ago
Puddleglum2 says: ”If you can do it better, become Christian and show the rest of us how it should be done.”
I was one of your kind of Christians for many years until Christ, Himself, showed me a far better way. I now joyfully follow HIM and not all you strutting pettifoggers.
There……I just showed you how it should be done in less than 30 words. : )
Ray_C about 15 years ago
Just to straighten things out a bit, DreamScourge, the first comment that mentioned God or the bible was:
nighthawks said, about 11 hours ago
ushindi. you (and I)are obviously going to roast in the everlasting fires of hell….but at least we will be entertained by George Carlin who obviously is already there……. did you like the “HOW FUNNY IS HE NOW?” bit? and, did you notice, with all the thumping comments that followed…nobody had an answer/explanation for those actual bible quotes I mentioned… know, the word of GOD..
So…it appears to me that the “religious rant” was started by WAY off-topic comments by couple of people who claim not to be Christians.
Rakkav about 15 years ago
After looking at the length and content of this thread and not wanting to read any of it, I just want to say one thing.
The expression on Mom’s face is absolutely terrifying.
Puddleglum2 about 15 years ago
If you ‘joyfully follow HIM’, then we are spiritual brothers. ‘Strutting pettifoggers’ is a clever term, but I’m disappointed in your applying it to us instead of the atheists. I think you have perceived us inaccurately, but God is the righteous judge. I leave it in his hands.
mdmontford about 15 years ago
i read this one before.
Smartone2000 about 15 years ago
Calvin, really…
alviebird about 15 years ago
So, they take my silence as meaning I have no argument. There’s just no room for lessons here. And besides, if I argue with a fool (don’t get your knickers in a twist, I mean the biblical definition of that word) who is the bigger fool (the secular definition)?
tirnaaisling about 15 years ago
Thanks Ray C for clearing that up, I get a bit lazy in my reading when one post takes up a whole screen lol
I would like to add one more thought to the maelstrom that is already here tho’ I’ll try to keep it to half a page ;)
The words of the wise, whether they be those of a teacher, a prophet or of a higher power are forged as tools and weapons to be used to winnow out the dross and defeat the evil that lurks within yourself. To use them against others will blunt and damage them causing them to shatter in your hand. To use them thus is a sin against the truth they contain.
Utilise them instead to forge yourself into the ultimate weapon one that will lead others to the path you walk, that in being true to yourself and what you believe, you will become a beacon to others, because that which you believe in can be seen to be just and true. Your example will lead them to search out the words for themselves, only then should you preach to them, tho’ teach them would be a wiser thing to do.
No other weapon is needed, no other weapon will remain as sharp, no other weapon is without sin!
gittikhun about 15 years ago
Paul M. : Among all the child psychologists and theologians (and how did this turn into a “God” debate in the first place?) you are the only one who noticed what a great punch line that was. “Mothers are the necessity of invention.” I love it!! BTW, the Bible invites us to test it, and so I have, and found it to be right on when properly translated. I don’t think quoting bible verses to those who reject the Bible from the get-go is going to help much, though. They merely brush them aside. USA Online Shopping Mall | Social Bookmark Dofollow | Best Article | Best Article | Dofollow Bookmark |
yankeewhaler almost 15 years ago
I saw that look on a woman’s face a month ago, hilarious!!
wowzo almost 13 years ago
My guess is that the Venusian was calvin
supersexyghotmew95 over 11 years ago
i blame canada