I would stand to the side, turn the knob, and when Hobbes bursts out I would step in quickly closing the door behind me.
“Mom, why are there flies in the supper?”“Because you let them all standing outside the door with it open when you got home from school.”“Cool!”
Small consolation for when Hobbes didn’t come out and waited until I peeked around the corner to see if he was in there and took my head off anyway. That sneaky tiger…
I like the part when it takes the position and gets loaded and then he finds calvin is not coming in yet, he releases it but still manages to hug him…o wow…haha…lovely…
Susie Derkins :D almost 10 years ago
Early April Fools!
BE THIS GUY almost 10 years ago
Next time, use the back door.
orinoco womble almost 10 years ago
Calvin, all you did was give Hobbes a chance to increase his energy level!!
King_Shark almost 10 years ago
Calvin is not amused by the notion of being educated at home. That’s what school is for.
Aaberon almost 10 years ago
A very nice array of facial expressions! Very cute.
rentier almost 10 years ago
What a splendid bum in the fourth panel!
kab2rb almost 10 years ago
Hobbes is right a short nap recharges battery. Calvin next time make different entrance.
egyptlandpa almost 10 years ago
Our cat recharges his battery several times a day.
Dpelton2096 almost 10 years ago
My cat likes to dive bomb me when I get home from work :) I always think of Hobbes :) (He’s orange striped too)
dogday Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Kind of an antithetical “Red and Rover”.
neverenoughgold almost 10 years ago
Cats have a good sense of smell, so even if Hobbes couldn’t hear Calvin coming, he likely would smell him…
Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Can’t load the enlarged version. This service gets worse every week.
Hunter7 almost 10 years ago
Love that rear end in the air, tail twitching …. cat naps never interfere with the “OOMF!”
swagysharpedo1 almost 10 years ago
I am going to try to make a c&h sequel from mom, Mrs wormwood, Hobbes, Roslyn, and moe’s point of view.
landsky almost 10 years ago
Sounds good! What about his parents?
jim_pem almost 10 years ago
I would stand to the side, turn the knob, and when Hobbes bursts out I would step in quickly closing the door behind me.
“Mom, why are there flies in the supper?”“Because you let them all standing outside the door with it open when you got home from school.”“Cool!”
Small consolation for when Hobbes didn’t come out and waited until I peeked around the corner to see if he was in there and took my head off anyway. That sneaky tiger…
MusasMama almost 10 years ago
oh this is lovely. Fabulously drawn and every pic has a complete gesture in it. Amazing.
MusasMama almost 10 years ago
I like the part when it takes the position and gets loaded and then he finds calvin is not coming in yet, he releases it but still manages to hug him…o wow…haha…lovely…
ebrooks almost 10 years ago
@leftwingpatriot http://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/1988/03/20 It didn’t work
ebrooks almost 10 years ago
@Gweedo – It’s legal here !!! – Murray @JimPem http://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/1989/04/16 Both your ideas shot down in one strip
WentHulk about 2 years ago
Clever Hobbes.