Not totally relevant to what Calvin was doing; but I remember having a typing teacher that did not like for people to crumple up their paper into balls, but preferred for us to fold it and put it into the trash that way!
He should have kept that one. In 6th grade I wrote the best poem of my career. “Vernon the vulture lived in the wood. Although mother told him he’d never be good. He ate live rabbits, live snakes, and live snails. Instead of head first he swallowed their tails.” Nothing nearly as good has crossed my mind since.
Calvin self-censors after reading AP styleguide which recommends avoiding general and often dehumanizing ‘the’ labels such as the French or the Mongols.
dadthedawg Premium Member almost 2 years ago
I think Calvin has to mix a woodchuck in here somewhere…..
codycab almost 2 years ago
Parody of that woodchuck question?
BE THIS GUY almost 2 years ago
Uncrumple that, Calvin! It’s good!
salakfarm Premium Member almost 2 years ago
They’d hoard as much board as a Mongol could, if a Mongol got too bored.
Robin Harwood almost 2 years ago
Better spelling than most of the internet.
Erse IS better almost 2 years ago
What happens when the cartoonist gets writer’s block?
SHIVA almost 2 years ago
Why don’t you go clean your room, instead???
JudasPeckerwood almost 2 years ago
How many hordes of boards would a bored Calvin hoard is the question.
snsurone76 almost 2 years ago
Is Hagar the Horrible a Mongol? He sure eats enough “board”!!
jvo almost 2 years ago
The answer …… is blowing in the wind..
rklynch almost 2 years ago
Genghis Khan wouldn’t let them get bored. That’s the simple answer to that riddle.
Purple People Eater almost 2 years ago
How many sheets could a sheet-slitter slit if a sheet-slitter could slit sheets?
bigger Nate almost 2 years ago
How much ground could a ground hog grind if a groundhog could grind ground
MayCauseBurns almost 2 years ago
Check your bread for fungus.
minty_Joe almost 2 years ago
The Leith police dismisseth us,
I’m thankful, sir, to say;
The Leith police dismisseth us,
They thought we sought to stay.
The Leith police dismisseth us,
We both sighed sighs apiece;
And the sigh that we sighed as we said goodbye
Was the size of the Leith police.
If you can’t say it, you’re drunk.
Zebrastripes almost 2 years ago
LOL! Funny!
Count Olaf Premium Member almost 2 years ago
That was actually pretty good, Calvin.
The Orange Mailman almost 2 years ago
There is another homonym of hoard/horde beginning with a W, understandably left out.
micromos almost 2 years ago
How much could a liberal mess up If a liberal could mess up . . . .
jagedlo almost 2 years ago
Not totally relevant to what Calvin was doing; but I remember having a typing teacher that did not like for people to crumple up their paper into balls, but preferred for us to fold it and put it into the trash that way!
tremaine53 almost 2 years ago
Now do a haiku version of it, Calvin.
fjc007 almost 2 years ago
Apparently Watterson was bored that day! Even though, it captures Calvin’s persona.
dwdl21 almost 2 years ago
That’s actually pretty good…LOL
miztrniceguy almost 2 years ago
How many Lowe’s could Rob Lowe rob, if Rob Lowe did rob Lowe’s?
More Coffee Please! Premium Member almost 2 years ago
I like it!
figuratively speaking almost 2 years ago
42. The answer is always 42.
Redd Panda almost 2 years ago
A man a plan a canal panama.
Okay, your turn….
MichiganMitten almost 2 years ago
Not many trees out where the Mongols were, anyway.
belgarathmth almost 2 years ago
For the Horde!
rshive almost 2 years ago
Stick to the woodchucks, Calvin.
sonnygreen almost 2 years ago
I’m very disappointed. Hope you’re feeling better soon.
gantech almost 2 years ago
I’d tell him the answer, but I’m too busy selling seashells by the seashore, while picking a peck of pickled peppers.
g04922 almost 2 years ago
LOL…. good one.
The Wolf In Your Midst almost 2 years ago
How many goons would a nunchuck chuck if a nunchuck could chuck goons?
mistercatworks almost 2 years ago
None. Mongol hoards might hoards gourds but never boards. If the hoards got bored, they could invade the fjords. :)
Steverino Premium Member almost 2 years ago
How much wood could a wood truck truck if a wood truck could truck wood?
But we know it can.
ladykat Premium Member almost 2 years ago
Not bad, Calvin.
MattDingleberry almost 2 years ago
That was actually pretty good!
KEA almost 2 years ago
can’t understand why he trashed it
Bruce388 almost 2 years ago
Calvin has homonyms down cold.
Earnestly Frank almost 2 years ago
How many cans can a canner can if a canner can can cans?
John Jorgensen almost 2 years ago
It’s an amusing wordplay
hagarthehorrible almost 2 years ago
Cryptic writer in the making.
BiggerNate91 almost 2 years ago
So simple, yet still a highlight.
eced52 almost 2 years ago
That Mongol got bored quite easily.
willie_mctell almost 2 years ago
He should have kept that one. In 6th grade I wrote the best poem of my career. “Vernon the vulture lived in the wood. Although mother told him he’d never be good. He ate live rabbits, live snakes, and live snails. Instead of head first he swallowed their tails.” Nothing nearly as good has crossed my mind since.
kcj almost 2 years ago
Calvin self-censors after reading AP styleguide which recommends avoiding general and often dehumanizing ‘the’ labels such as the French or the Mongols.
Otis Rufus Driftwood almost 2 years ago
In case you ever wondered what the first drafts of tongue twisters were like.
icmodivah almost 2 years ago
I thought it was good
Turnip509 almost 2 years ago
That probably would have been a little of a weird thing to even be a tongue twister, don’t you think?