I have to agree with Cathy’s mother on this one. What’s with objecting to men viewing women as sex objects when they insist on dressing as sex objects? It gives a whole new meaning to “dress to impress.” There is a reason that it is called UNDERwear. Keep it under you’re outer clothing, dag nabbit!
I think I am going to back away from this one slowly and carefully. Just a tad to controversial for me on a day I am filing my taxes.
Looked out the window when I got up and it was snowing, then it was sunny, then it was raining, then it was ice pellets, then it was sunny again, then it was snowing. I gave up and I am not looking out the window any more today.
I hope your day is a little less mixed up than mine.
kenwarnerfordictator 6 months ago
I have to agree with Cathy’s mother on this one. What’s with objecting to men viewing women as sex objects when they insist on dressing as sex objects? It gives a whole new meaning to “dress to impress.” There is a reason that it is called UNDERwear. Keep it under you’re outer clothing, dag nabbit!
C 6 months ago
Ungirdled melt down
SnowBunny12 6 months ago
I’m with mom on this one. Keep your clothes on! A no sheer tops that show off your bra. I’ll never understand that style.
Abby B Premium Member 6 months ago
I see London.I see France.I see leggingsFailing to be pants.
O-Kay 6 months ago
20+ years on, I wonder what Anne would make of today’s female rappers.
mistercatworks 6 months ago
Frankly, most of us would rather stick to seeing the well-lit, colorful, clean underwear of professional models.
hendelca Premium Member 6 months ago
I think I am going to back away from this one slowly and carefully. Just a tad to controversial for me on a day I am filing my taxes.
Looked out the window when I got up and it was snowing, then it was sunny, then it was raining, then it was ice pellets, then it was sunny again, then it was snowing. I gave up and I am not looking out the window any more today.
I hope your day is a little less mixed up than mine.
rgcviper 6 months ago
Like H immediately above, I think I’ll back away from Cathy’s mom with my hands raised in self-defense. Hoo, boy—what a tirade, huh?
HI, MOM. Happy Sunday, “Cathy” Clan.
lindz.coop Premium Member 6 months ago
Maybe it’s because it costs so much now…folks just want to show it off.