Kevin lives by the philosophy “if it was fun, then it was probably worth it”. Perpetually grounded and covered in scabs, he can’t seem to see much further than his next adventure. Kevin’s only known goals in life are to one day own a Camaro and to be best friends with Miles forever.

Miles is a careful, thoughtful, and imaginative kid. He’s just as comfortable tromping through the woods as he is sitting in his room drawing comics. Whenever anyone asks why he’s friends with Kevin, Miles can only tell them “it’s more fun than not being friends with him”.

Gene and Donna Wallace
Miles’ parents are pretty strict as parents go. While they are a little worried about Miles spending so much time with that Kevin kid, they are glad he’s making friends. Donna is a substitute teacher and Gene drives a delivery truck. They moved to Crabgrass Drive for the schools and to get away from the bad influences of their old neighborhood.

Janine Beecham: It’s fair to say that Kevin’s mom has a different parenting style than her neighbors Gene and Donna. Some would call it a more... “hands off” approach. Miserably outnumbered, Janine simply tries to ensure that each of her four children are fed, clothed and that their insides stay inside of them while also working full-time as a nurse and part-time as a waitress.

Kyle, Krystal & Kody Beecham
Kyle, Krystal and Kody Beecham: Kevin’s siblings are probably a large part of the reason he spends so much time outside. His older brother Kyle lives almost exclusively to torture him but somehow manages to be Kevin’s hero. Krystal, Kevin’s twin sister, is kind, generous and a relentless tattle tale. Kody is apparently a potato that has recently learn to move under its own power.