My goodness, there’s so much to marvel at in today’s strip: 1. The odd pose Pmm strikes as she tries to ask a question dumber than "What are you doing, Dad?’ 2. The copious amounts of body hair on the hallway carpeting. 3. The M.C. Escher-like stairway Cranky is ascending in his crablike manner. 4. Ed’s attempt to be timely by referencing a 1970s TV detective. That being said, it is Crankshaft today, not Dinkleberg or Lillian. As a result, I give it a thumbs up.
My goodness, there’s so much to marvel at in today’s strip: 1. The odd pose Pmm strikes as she tries to ask a question dumber than "What are you doing, Dad?’ 2. The copious amounts of body hair on the hallway carpeting. 3. The M.C. Escher-like stairway Cranky is ascending in his crablike manner. 4. Ed’s attempt to be timely by referencing a 1970s TV detective. That being said, it is Crankshaft today, not Dinkleberg or Lillian. As a result, I give it a thumbs up.