No. I’ve never eaten dog (offered to me at a rural Korean market) and am not too wild about silk-worms even when fresh or crocodile (too fishy in a bad way).
I’m pretty curious about food and try it if I’m ethically OK with it. And prepare it myself – like Cardoon (delicious!) or Rocky Mountain Oysters (from lambs; available at the Turkish supermarket around the corner here. Excellent meat section, no self-service there).
I remember the first time my mom cooked up some zucchini squash… I threw up. She says it’s becuz I was sick at the time, but I beg to differ. To this day, I have a hard time eating zucchini, no matter how my wife prepares it. But, yeah, I know, it’s good for me an’ all… blah blah blah!
Justanolddude Premium Member 3 months ago
You would starve in my house and the dogs would thank you.
j_m_kuehl 3 months ago
Better to eat it while it’s fresh, before it get’s hidden in the leftovers
Tigressy 3 months ago
Are you a picky eater?
No. I’ve never eaten dog (offered to me at a rural Korean market) and am not too wild about silk-worms even when fresh or crocodile (too fishy in a bad way).
I’m pretty curious about food and try it if I’m ethically OK with it. And prepare it myself – like Cardoon (delicious!) or Rocky Mountain Oysters (from lambs; available at the Turkish supermarket around the corner here. Excellent meat section, no self-service there).
Cpeckbourlioux 3 months ago
rgulyash 3 months ago
Well, until you’ve eaten at the Y….
ladykat Premium Member 3 months ago
There are a few foods I won’t eat, like okra and lima beans; other than that, I’m fairly adventurous.
stamps 3 months ago
Give it to Mikey!
wildlandwaters 3 months ago
I remember the first time my mom cooked up some zucchini squash… I threw up. She says it’s becuz I was sick at the time, but I beg to differ. To this day, I have a hard time eating zucchini, no matter how my wife prepares it. But, yeah, I know, it’s good for me an’ all… blah blah blah!
cuzinron47 3 months ago
Did you hear what you just said Elliot?
Aimless Melissa 3 months ago
Not too picky, but that might be b/c I can’t cook.