Penn and Teller did a bit like this on Saturday Night Live many years ago. They did all this cool stuff and at the end, revealed they were hanging upside-down. The live audience was in on the joke, but people watching on TV had to wonder what was going on.
K M over 12 years ago
And they don’t fall from the ceiling-mounted table? An even better trick?
jmcx4 over 12 years ago
They make glue out of horses, you know…
zero over 12 years ago
Dark matter. . ..
Buzza Wuzza over 12 years ago
WaitingMan over 12 years ago
Penn and Teller did a bit like this on Saturday Night Live many years ago. They did all this cool stuff and at the end, revealed they were hanging upside-down. The live audience was in on the joke, but people watching on TV had to wonder what was going on.
InTraining over 12 years ago
Melody must be…. high…. ! ! !
samuli creator over 12 years ago
DSotH (along with some other GoComics strips) is late being updated today…
samuli creator over 12 years ago
… but you can read it here