I can see optimism wrapped in pessimism here…when each meeting of the Pessimist Society is called to order, the President (or maybe the “Low Pubah,” the leader being the most pessimistic member?) could say, “We’ve all survived since the last meeting and we all made it here today, so we have something to be optimistic about.”
Yes, that would be a, well…pessimistic way to look at it. Even after years of uneventful meetings, the leader could say, “the odds will catch up with us, as it’s inevitable.”
Hmmm…Horace is a member of the National Society for Absent-mindedness, Top Secret Club (until he was thrown out), and now the Pessimist Society, which makes me wonder: What club(s), if any, do/does Melody belong to? A photography club is one possibility, as her activity in that field may hint at.
JayBluE almost 11 years ago
Horace left to go put on his shades…
AlnicoV almost 11 years ago
Ironic, no?
blackshire almost 11 years ago
I can see optimism wrapped in pessimism here…when each meeting of the Pessimist Society is called to order, the President (or maybe the “Low Pubah,” the leader being the most pessimistic member?) could say, “We’ve all survived since the last meeting and we all made it here today, so we have something to be optimistic about.”
Enoki almost 11 years ago
Not a member I can tell… At least I’d never let him in with an attitude like that! His society is doomed to failure! DOOMED I tell you!
InTraining almost 11 years ago
Looks like SINE “floored him” with his observation…….. ! ! !
Coyoty Premium Member almost 11 years ago
The meetings are always half-empty.
blackshire almost 11 years ago
Yes, that would be a, well…pessimistic way to look at it. Even after years of uneventful meetings, the leader could say, “the odds will catch up with us, as it’s inevitable.”
scyphi26 almost 11 years ago
blackshire almost 11 years ago
Hmmm…Horace is a member of the National Society for Absent-mindedness, Top Secret Club (until he was thrown out), and now the Pessimist Society, which makes me wonder: What club(s), if any, do/does Melody belong to? A photography club is one possibility, as her activity in that field may hint at.
DavidHurley Premium Member almost 11 years ago
I’ve heard when someone is pessimistic, things actually get done. One way to look at it.
Sherlock Watson almost 11 years ago
Horace’s brain seems to be half empty today.
Argy.Bargy2 almost 11 years ago
This comic proves that the phrase ‘birdbrain’ is wrong. Should it be changed to ‘equinemind’?
freds74 Premium Member almost 11 years ago
another classic