These look like fine upstanding men so what went wrong ? Tracy looks like he wants to go home and hit the sack. It’s been a long day sitting around the office; looking at all those fake ID pieces, drinking snail coffee and ogling Lizz.
Panel 3 makes perfect sense! At the moment there should be no reason to suspect the fake Totten ID had any more relation to the murder than the fake driver’s license, fake credit cards, or faked any other item in the wallet. Look for the evidence from the crime scene and forensics before picking one item to focus on. Good job.
Which is to say, Tracy’s ESP is not functioning in panel 3!
OTOH we got the level 11 (on a scale of 10) coincidence of a real Totten employee being arrested by the TA on exactly the same day as our victim. Now, if the second Totten employee had been arrested after the victim he was in on the plot and casing the TA station for information to help the killer – but he was picked up before (Oct 30). So, perhaps our head baddie has ESP.
P2: I believe Sir Carlos draws all those “pointing fingers” just for me. He’s accusing me of something. What is it? What have I done? STOP IT. JUST STOP IT CARLOS! I’M INNOCENT!
1- NARRATOR: _Fred Totten fought for America when it was worth fighting for! He followed that service up by using the GI Bill to get an engineering degree from an unaccredited community college. After marrying money and having two sons by two women…
2-: … _he and his boys, Fred Jr and Doofus, through their company, Two Foxes, have employed hundreds of illegal aliens at sub-minimum wages to rid our city of the unsafe hovels Fred built when he was just getting started. That’s why Fred will make a great Comptroller for the city of Tracyville. VOTE FOR FRED TOT…
3- DT: YIKES!!! I gotta quit dozing off at work! Was that a dream or is the election still going on?!? ARRRRGGHHH! SOMEBODY PINCH ME!!! HELP!!!
firestrike1 2 months ago
a frustrated Dick…
SHAKEDOWNCITY 2 months ago
“Flaccid” to be sure.
Brian Premium Member 2 months ago
“My scalp itches. Does that look like lice to you?”
Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray 2 months ago
Good morning™, Family Ties !
These look like fine upstanding men so what went wrong ? Tracy looks like he wants to go home and hit the sack. It’s been a long day sitting around the office; looking at all those fake ID pieces, drinking snail coffee and ogling Lizz.
avenger09 2 months ago
Tracy’s got a bad case of lice!
Neil Wick 2 months ago
So, father and son are both veterans, went to City College, both engineers. So far, that’s not telling me anything much.
BigDaveGlass 2 months ago
I think Dick needs to go home and rest his head & shoulders. In both senses.
iggyman 2 months ago
“The Totten Family” sounds fine and upstanding!
tsull2121 2 months ago
Eric better tread carefully, if he keeps this up he’s gonna be facing MULTIPLE charges of homicide, starting with this story and ending with US!
LawrenceS 2 months ago
Panel 3 makes perfect sense! At the moment there should be no reason to suspect the fake Totten ID had any more relation to the murder than the fake driver’s license, fake credit cards, or faked any other item in the wallet. Look for the evidence from the crime scene and forensics before picking one item to focus on. Good job.
Which is to say, Tracy’s ESP is not functioning in panel 3!
OTOH we got the level 11 (on a scale of 10) coincidence of a real Totten employee being arrested by the TA on exactly the same day as our victim. Now, if the second Totten employee had been arrested after the victim he was in on the plot and casing the TA station for information to help the killer – but he was picked up before (Oct 30). So, perhaps our head baddie has ESP.
Another Take 2 months ago
P2: I believe Sir Carlos draws all those “pointing fingers” just for me. He’s accusing me of something. What is it? What have I done? STOP IT. JUST STOP IT CARLOS! I’M INNOCENT!
Another Take 2 months ago
1- NARRATOR: _Fred Totten fought for America when it was worth fighting for! He followed that service up by using the GI Bill to get an engineering degree from an unaccredited community college. After marrying money and having two sons by two women…
2-: … _he and his boys, Fred Jr and Doofus, through their company, Two Foxes, have employed hundreds of illegal aliens at sub-minimum wages to rid our city of the unsafe hovels Fred built when he was just getting started. That’s why Fred will make a great Comptroller for the city of Tracyville. VOTE FOR FRED TOT…
3- DT: YIKES!!! I gotta quit dozing off at work! Was that a dream or is the election still going on?!? ARRRRGGHHH! SOMEBODY PINCH ME!!! HELP!!!
tcayer 2 months ago
“He’s dead.”
That Wichita Guy!! 2 months ago
(scratching like a chicken on steroids)“GIRL COOTIES! LIZ, GET AWAAAAAY!” (scratching like a chicken on steroids)
jim_pem 2 months ago
Let’s take Saturday to say that we’ll do something tomorrow. Oh, and here are a couple of inconsequential facts of backstory for filler.
orbenjawell Premium Member 2 months ago
…… D.T.’s command, we assemble The Tackle The Tottens Squad!
oakie817 2 months ago