So, since I am off from work today and tomorrow (fridays and Saturdays are my two days off) and since I ran headfirst into this lovely skull crushing, chest collapsing cold…I might as well fire up another chapter of my dick tracy story since I ain’t going nowhere…I’ll let y’all know when its up
No need to wait for ballistics. Presuming that silencers actually worked, you can eliminate anyoone who carried a revolver (the cylinder gap would still emit the flash and sound); now just check the muzzles of the remaining automatics, the barrel of the silenced pistol would have to be modified to let the silencer screw on. The person with the modified pistol is the shooter
Just give them a fast smell! One that’s been recently fired is more likely to smell – unless the body has actually been there for hours and the killer had time to either grab another gun or thoroughly clean the murder weapon.
Bowing out again for a couple of days to tend to some pre-Christmas stuff. I leave those who have previously perused this pedestrian puzzle to slog through the last two days of it, and those who haven’t to be staggered by its slapdash solution….
1- DT: WHOA! The “boys” really itch today. I have to dig in with both hands! Anyway – did you find any guns, Sam? WOODY STEINBERN: I’m not Sam you old coot – look at me! I’m a reporter from the Tracyville Times. So you tell me – did you find any guns?
2- DT: Well duh! This is Amurica – everyone had at least two!
3- WOODY STEINBERN: How about silencers? DT: Like I’m gonna ask ‘em all to drop trou to see if they have on Firebutt Brand Extra Heavy Undies
WOODY STEINBERN: I meant for the guns. DT: Oh. No…
We,,taking a week’s vacation to get ready for Christmas—-I’ll be back on Monday the 23rd—-that’ll give the enemy time to wire up the explosives in t he clock tower.
Friday December 20th is UGLY SWEATER DAY. I’m sure we have many potential winners on this website alone
Brian Premium Member about 2 months ago
“Anywhere you say? Well, get your rubber gloves and start looking!”
Neil Wick about 2 months ago
Good morning™, everyone!
Ballistics time. This is taking a while.
SHAKEDOWNCITY about 2 months ago
Could be cached in a hidden “pipeline”.
Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray about 2 months ago
Good morning™, Capable Suspects !
If these guns have a definite bullet (body damage) signature pattern it shouldn’t be hard for an expert to point blank eliminate some of the suspects.
tsull2121 about 2 months ago
So, since I am off from work today and tomorrow (fridays and Saturdays are my two days off) and since I ran headfirst into this lovely skull crushing, chest collapsing cold…I might as well fire up another chapter of my dick tracy story since I ain’t going nowhere…I’ll let y’all know when its up
Caerin Premium Member about 2 months ago
Hey, glad I dropped in today. Take a look at panel one: doesn’t the figure of Sam look like Mr. MaGoo??? LOL!
h.v.greenman about 2 months ago
No need to wait for ballistics. Presuming that silencers actually worked, you can eliminate anyoone who carried a revolver (the cylinder gap would still emit the flash and sound); now just check the muzzles of the remaining automatics, the barrel of the silenced pistol would have to be modified to let the silencer screw on. The person with the modified pistol is the shooter
iggyman about 2 months ago
Quite a handgun collection !
LawrenceS about 2 months ago
Just give them a fast smell! One that’s been recently fired is more likely to smell – unless the body has actually been there for hours and the killer had time to either grab another gun or thoroughly clean the murder weapon.
That Wichita Guy! about 2 months ago
SAM (thinking): Collected and duly price tagged as the pawn shop. Hope my origami replicas pass muster at the office!
That Wichita Guy! about 2 months ago
‘Anywhere’? Tell me this ISN’T going to be a FULL body search!!!!
Batster about 2 months ago
Bowing out again for a couple of days to tend to some pre-Christmas stuff. I leave those who have previously perused this pedestrian puzzle to slog through the last two days of it, and those who haven’t to be staggered by its slapdash solution….
Another Take about 2 months ago
1- DT: WHOA! The “boys” really itch today. I have to dig in with both hands! Anyway – did you find any guns, Sam? WOODY STEINBERN: I’m not Sam you old coot – look at me! I’m a reporter from the Tracyville Times. So you tell me – did you find any guns?
2- DT: Well duh! This is Amurica – everyone had at least two!
3- WOODY STEINBERN: How about silencers? DT: Like I’m gonna ask ‘em all to drop trou to see if they have on Firebutt Brand Extra Heavy Undies
WOODY STEINBERN: I meant for the guns. DT: Oh. No…
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] about 2 months ago
MOVIE QUOTE—-“We are going to forgo the safety checks and go after these Martian Monkeys!”
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] about 2 months ago
What,no Thompson 45’s??
By the way,in Newport,Kentucky(across t he river from Cincinnati) there’s the house/museum of the man who invented the Thompson.
He intended it to be restricted to Armed Forces use, but the underworld hi-jacked it and the rest is history.
MuddyUSA Premium Member about 2 months ago
Hmmmmmm, except fit the art…………..nothing!
That Wichita Guy! about 2 months ago
OT: Nifty. On Saturday and Thursday, I got awards for a couple of my photos I’d entered in shows.
Jonmouk about 2 months ago
Dr. Plum in the office with the candlesticks…….
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] about 2 months ago
We,,taking a week’s vacation to get ready for Christmas—-I’ll be back on Monday the 23rd—-that’ll give the enemy time to wire up the explosives in t he clock tower.
Friday December 20th is UGLY SWEATER DAY. I’m sure we have many potential winners on this website alone
Carl Fink Premium Member about 2 months ago
What is that odd, blobby thing covering Sam’s face?
Don Bagert Premium Member about 2 months ago
Remember our interrupted storyline? Then you might want to Google “Totten Family Farm” “New Jersey” drones