Are refs allowed to gamble? Are they monitored; making sure their team wins? Goodell should get off his very well-paid butt and do something to earn some of that cash. Something to think about.
the broadcasters have the luxury of using a variety of camera angles using slow motion and pause with zoom, but for some strange unknown reason the broadcasters NEVER show the perspective of the official that made that call
if you do not like the officiating then I suggest the you put the stripes on and go make the calls
pamela welch Premium Member 2 months ago
Are refs allowed to gamble? Are they monitored; making sure their team wins? Goodell should get off his very well-paid butt and do something to earn some of that cash. Something to think about.
Need coffee 2 months ago
Must be Ed Hochuli.
bdpoltergeist Premium Member 2 months ago
the ref can only call what they see,
the broadcasters have the luxury of using a variety of camera angles using slow motion and pause with zoom, but for some strange unknown reason the broadcasters NEVER show the perspective of the official that made that call
if you do not like the officiating then I suggest the you put the stripes on and go make the calls