Got ‘that thing’? Our black cat is awesome. Everybody I know with black cats love them. Yet, because of insensitive cartoons like this they are one of the most abandoned cats at shelters.
Black cats are only seen as bad luck in the USA. We have always had at least one black cat. We now have a big black, floofy Norwegian Forest cat and a tuxedo cat. They are the greatest.
Lee26 Premium Member 3 months ago
Got ‘that thing’? Our black cat is awesome. Everybody I know with black cats love them. Yet, because of insensitive cartoons like this they are one of the most abandoned cats at shelters.
ferddo 3 months ago
Most of our cats over the years were strays who adopted us. And yes, some of them were pure black.
gopher gofer 3 months ago
we’ve got two black cats and life has seemed a whole bunch better since they’ve been around. or maybe that’s ’cause of our torty and orange tabby… ☺
Teto85 Premium Member 3 months ago
Black cats are only seen as bad luck in the USA. We have always had at least one black cat. We now have a big black, floofy Norwegian Forest cat and a tuxedo cat. They are the greatest.