As I understand it, if the dental need is serious enough, but the child is uncooperative, then the dentist has to recommend putting the kid under to get the dental work done.
Given the way this is going, I predict the spoiled brat comes back in a few weeks in extreme pain and lets John Patterson do what he wants without complaint, while John takes a certain satisfaction in having taught the girl a lesson about cooperating with your dentist. I look forward to seeing the girl get her comeuppance.
There was an actor of the silent screen named Charles Ray who died in 1943 from an impacted wisdom tooth he wouldn’t allow to be extracted. Perhaps a similar fate will befall this brat.
I was given gas for my first complicated dental procedure as a child. I was asked to count down from 100, I don’t think I made it to 90 before I was out cold.
i always remember, as a little boy, getting a filling. the dentist didn’t use enough novocaine and as he started to drill, i could feel it and it HURT. i screamed in pain and the dentist got really mad at me for causing a fuss. and that’s when i totally lost my trust in the dentist.
My mom would have spanked me, put me back in the chair and told the dentist to go ahead. You don’t worry so much about pain at one end when you have a counter balance pain on the other end.And the dentist was nothing compared to pain from the orthodontist in the 70’s. I had a mouth of fully banded teeth for 7 years, and to get the bands on the molars you had to bite down and basically dig the bands into your own gums yourself.They didn’t numb you up for that.
Bethany needs to relax or be referred to for nitrous oxide sedation. I accept tooth shot of novacain especially when it has a flavor to help neutralize dental worries.
I don’t know whether this is true or not, but I remember reading that dentists, as a profession, have one of the highest rates of suicide and alcoholism.
Bad teeth is sometimes more than just eating sweets and not brushing. Sometimes it is genetic or malnutrition. My adopted neice had ongoing dental issues for years, so much pain she wouldn’t eat and has stunted growth. I hope her adult teeth will have no issues.
I’ve had bad experiences with dentists…the 1st time as a little kid. Another time, in my 20’s, I went in to get a tooth pulled, asked to be put under which he did, put during the procedure, he hit a nerve that woke me up out of it, and I almost bolted for the door. He calmed me down, put me back under, and finished. My bottom lip was numb for a long time after that, and I would often find myself drooling because I couldn’t tell. To this day, I still have a numb spot on my lip, about the size of a pea.
Fortunately the only “bad” issue I had with a dentist was a frozen eye when I was in Jr High. Seems the optic nerves runs very close to some of the injection areas for upper molars. Was kind of comical, riding my bike home and trying to blink with a finger on my eyelid.
As a military kid, I went to military dentists until I was about 13, or so. I never had novocaine for dental work until I went to a civilian dentist at about age 14. Don’t know if it was that particular AF Base’s policy for no novocaine or what, but I never had a fear of dentists.
If she comes back with extreme pain she’ll be WORSE because then it will actually hurt, while right now she’s just being difficult. Remember yesterday’s strip where she shut up when he told her her mother couldn’t hear her yelling because she’d done to the pharmacy?
howtheduck 2 months ago
As I understand it, if the dental need is serious enough, but the child is uncooperative, then the dentist has to recommend putting the kid under to get the dental work done.
Given the way this is going, I predict the spoiled brat comes back in a few weeks in extreme pain and lets John Patterson do what he wants without complaint, while John takes a certain satisfaction in having taught the girl a lesson about cooperating with your dentist. I look forward to seeing the girl get her comeuppance.
snsurone76 2 months ago
There was an actor of the silent screen named Charles Ray who died in 1943 from an impacted wisdom tooth he wouldn’t allow to be extracted. Perhaps a similar fate will befall this brat.
Uncle Kenny 2 months ago
Mom will be in pain when she has to pay for two appointments. Or is dental care free in Canada?
bobwigg761 2 months ago
I was given gas for my first complicated dental procedure as a child. I was asked to count down from 100, I don’t think I made it to 90 before I was out cold.
nyrB Premium Member 2 months ago
i always remember, as a little boy, getting a filling. the dentist didn’t use enough novocaine and as he started to drill, i could feel it and it HURT. i screamed in pain and the dentist got really mad at me for causing a fuss. and that’s when i totally lost my trust in the dentist.
SquidGamerGal 2 months ago
Anon4242 2 months ago
My mom would have spanked me, put me back in the chair and told the dentist to go ahead. You don’t worry so much about pain at one end when you have a counter balance pain on the other end.And the dentist was nothing compared to pain from the orthodontist in the 70’s. I had a mouth of fully banded teeth for 7 years, and to get the bands on the molars you had to bite down and basically dig the bands into your own gums yourself.They didn’t numb you up for that.
ctolson 2 months ago
Time to gas her John!
debbie8pole 2 months ago
Bethany needs to relax or be referred to for nitrous oxide sedation. I accept tooth shot of novacain especially when it has a flavor to help neutralize dental worries.
Linguist 2 months ago
I don’t know whether this is true or not, but I remember reading that dentists, as a profession, have one of the highest rates of suicide and alcoholism.
Jelliqal 2 months ago
Bad teeth is sometimes more than just eating sweets and not brushing. Sometimes it is genetic or malnutrition. My adopted neice had ongoing dental issues for years, so much pain she wouldn’t eat and has stunted growth. I hope her adult teeth will have no issues.
ladykat Premium Member 2 months ago
It’s not nice to give your dentist a headache, kid.
cowboy27 2 months ago
She’s just a little kid and scared of the dentist. I haven’t forgotten how that makes you feel.
Daltongang Premium Member 2 months ago
This is why dental surgeons are so well paid.
mindjob 2 months ago
Where’s the Nitrous oxide?
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] 2 months ago
Sir Laurence Olivier just walked in
darcyandsimon 2 months ago
Cool stuff to read in the comments today!
baskate_2000 2 months ago
Who in the world would want to tolerate a spoiled brat like her?
MuddyUSA Premium Member 2 months ago
Good call Doc…..
hooglah 2 months ago
When the tooth starts hurting bad enough, bring her back. Otherwise, let her suffer until she can behave.
Robert Miller Premium Member 2 months ago
I’ve had bad experiences with dentists…the 1st time as a little kid. Another time, in my 20’s, I went in to get a tooth pulled, asked to be put under which he did, put during the procedure, he hit a nerve that woke me up out of it, and I almost bolted for the door. He calmed me down, put me back under, and finished. My bottom lip was numb for a long time after that, and I would often find myself drooling because I couldn’t tell. To this day, I still have a numb spot on my lip, about the size of a pea.
CoffeeBob Premium Member 2 months ago
Fortunately the only “bad” issue I had with a dentist was a frozen eye when I was in Jr High. Seems the optic nerves runs very close to some of the injection areas for upper molars. Was kind of comical, riding my bike home and trying to blink with a finger on my eyelid.
lnrokr55 2 months ago
Ah, the adventures of a pediatric dentist ! ;-)
heligoland 2 months ago
As a child, I was always more in pain from the dentist. Otherwise, my teeth didn’t hurt. Thank heavens, dentistry has changed.
TheWildSow 2 months ago
John said he was a painless dentist, but that was a lie!
Yeah – he yelled when I bit him, just like any other dentist!
jbruins84341 2 months ago
A little nitrous would take care of her.
Strawberry King 2 months ago
Just another day in the life of a dentist.
Cathy P. 2 months ago
As a military kid, I went to military dentists until I was about 13, or so. I never had novocaine for dental work until I went to a civilian dentist at about age 14. Don’t know if it was that particular AF Base’s policy for no novocaine or what, but I never had a fear of dentists.
HodgeElmwood 2 months ago
If she comes back with extreme pain she’ll be WORSE because then it will actually hurt, while right now she’s just being difficult. Remember yesterday’s strip where she shut up when he told her her mother couldn’t hear her yelling because she’d done to the pharmacy?
StephenHoyt 2 months ago
He should be like the dentist in Little shop of horrors.