My brother did that once. As a kid, whenever he got mad at our mom, he had a habit of destroying stuff in his room…well, he threw his Nintendo and immediately regretted it. Mom refused to buy him a new one, so he had to fix it himself. He builds computers for a living now.
Hero Plays about 6 years ago
why do I have a feeling that this is nearing SNES times?
BrenHanks over 4 years ago
for a kid who says hes the smartest kid hes kinda dumb at times
kamikaze-kumquat over 3 years ago
My brother did that once. As a kid, whenever he got mad at our mom, he had a habit of destroying stuff in his room…well, he threw his Nintendo and immediately regretted it. Mom refused to buy him a new one, so he had to fix it himself. He builds computers for a living now.
Spirit749 over 2 years ago
There goes 200$ no one will ever see again.
Porsche 997 GT3 RS 4.0 11 months ago
this shouldn’t be so relatable