Twas the day after Christmas... and all through the house... not a creature was stirring... for good reason, I suppose
’Twas the day after Christmas…and all through the house, indeed…not a creature was stirring…for good reason, one must heed.
Twas the day after christmas… and all through the halls… not a creature was stirring… lest they splatter the walls…
Jason, that doesn’t rhyme.
Dear lord almighty…Our savior Jason has arrived
Bill Amend
alexzinuro about 5 years ago
’Twas the day after Christmas…and all through the house, indeed…not a creature was stirring…for good reason, one must heed.
timeittells almost 5 years ago
Twas the day after christmas… and all through the halls… not a creature was stirring… lest they splatter the walls…
DoubleU over 4 years ago
Jason, that doesn’t rhyme.
SnyperKenobi over 3 years ago
Dear lord almighty…Our savior Jason has arrived