FoxTrot by Bill Amend for November 07, 2010
Paige: I can't decide whether I like "Glee" or not. I like the music...I like the cast...I like the humor...I REALLY like Kurt's fashion sense... Peter: So what don't you like? Roger: Can't read myyy, can't read myyy, no he can't reeeead my pohhhker place... Paige: Let me clarify: I like the music when THEY sing it. Peter: It's "face," Dad.
Rakkav almost 14 years ago
One more show I don’t have to watch now.
Coyoty Premium Member almost 14 years ago
When Dad watches, it’s “Flee”.
Lyons Group, Inc. almost 14 years ago
To me, Glee was much like Clueless (the TV series) was when it left ABC-TV for [then] UPN and started using coarse language. What I’m saying is, it’s High School Musical with naughty words
Possum Pete almost 14 years ago
How naughty? Do they say Poop or KahKah?
dancedood almost 14 years ago
hahahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahaahahahahahaahahhhhhhhhhhhahahahaahahahahaahaahahahaahahaahahaahahahahahahaahahaahahahaahahaahahahaahahaahahahaahahaaahahhahaahahaahahaahahahaahahahaahahahahaahaha ahahahaahaahahahaahahaahahaahahahaahahahaahahahaah. I could laugh all day.
3hourtour Premium Member almost 14 years ago
..another ‘weak’ day fit into a Sunday slot…
bellmaker almost 14 years ago
My problem with Glee is that use of what for lack of a better word is Kids Bob music for the soundtrack if they made it more like a real musical it would be better.
mrsharrisonford almost 14 years ago
I love Glee! It’s fabulous!
legaleagle48 almost 14 years ago
Please tell me that Roger isn’t trying to channel Lady Gaga!
GeraldTarrant almost 14 years ago
I gave up on Glee when they aired an absolutely atrocious filler episode as the second episode of their new season. Seriously, who does that?
Comic-Nut almost 14 years ago
Aw c’mon. Glee is a fun show for all late 30s and mid 40s types who once participated in their own school’s “glee” type clubs. Though, I do find Page’s hesitance of Glee rather funny here. Especially as “Dad” is getting into it. That just goes to show how much the show is more oriented to both an older generation and very young generation of viewers. Teens will likely consider the show “lame.”
DerkinsVanPelt218 almost 14 years ago
Glee is definitely a lot edgier than other shows in the same time slot, and it very much represents how the football team and the cheer squad react to how popular these kids are for singing covers of pretty much any song you can think of.
Lilalover almost 14 years ago
I see it as highschool musical with drama.
prowler2000me almost 14 years ago
“Gee” sucks!!!
KimberlyT over 13 years ago
Gleeks unite!
And yes I realize what a nerd that makes me, but part of my degree is in theatre, I’m allowed to be that way. :D
iFerrarifan about 13 years ago
tunextgeneration over 11 years ago
me_the_polish_gull over 3 years ago
Wait ‘til you hear my DAD’S performance.
Extension Cord almost 2 years ago
Song- poker face by lady gaga
Delter almost 2 years ago
show him “polka face” by weird al, he’d enjoy it much more