Informed consent is applicable to contracts, as he could not read the letters. You can’t be held to something you signed when you were told was a happy birthday message to the other person’s language-class foreign pen pal either :)
Seeing that Jason would have to spell out every letter of that password and specify which are capital or not by speaking it aloud like that, I can almost not blame Rodger for not catching it.Almost.
Roger you need to do two things.1) Change the admin password for the router.2) Assuming Jason is counting on the rest of the family to average 3 hours a day each change the WPA2 password to:JasOnaGreeSTOpAY$80OAdAYFoRRo0om&boArd
Arbitrary almost 9 years ago
kattbailey almost 9 years ago
Informed consent is applicable to contracts, as he could not read the letters. You can’t be held to something you signed when you were told was a happy birthday message to the other person’s language-class foreign pen pal either :)
so late I’m early today
Alberta Oil almost 9 years ago
Hard to imagine one could type in that password without making a mistake.
alangwatkins almost 9 years ago
I would take away his desire to sit for a month.
comeonbanana almost 9 years ago
scyphi26 almost 9 years ago
Seeing that Jason would have to spell out every letter of that password and specify which are capital or not by speaking it aloud like that, I can almost not blame Rodger for not catching it.Almost.
penny83522 almost 9 years ago
The nerd’s nerd, that Jason.
General_Jello almost 9 years ago
kwanza_30303 almost 9 years ago
Time to get Grandpa’s razor strop out of storage and use it vigorously for its other function.
ChessPirate almost 9 years ago
Roger could easily break this “contract”. “5” for “s”, “0” for “o”, and “7” for “t’” does not spell the right words, not to mention, no spaces.
nosirrom almost 9 years ago
Roger you need to do two things.1) Change the admin password for the router.2) Assuming Jason is counting on the rest of the family to average 3 hours a day each change the WPA2 password to:JasOnaGreeSTOpAY$80OAdAYFoRRo0om&boArd
Doctor11 almost 9 years ago
I wonder how long it’ll take before this latest money scheme backfires on Jason?
rgcviper almost 9 years ago
What did P.T. Barnum say again … ?
Pretty clever on Jason’s part, though.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Time to squash his little conniving head.
mulder42 almost 9 years ago
This password is way too LONG!!! It would never work.
Bing43 almost 9 years ago
My new password is the last four numbers of Pi.
Sophar_the_barbarian over 8 years ago
thebignate123 about 8 years ago
Here is what it says: Something greed to pay Jason for every minute I’m on line
JLK9kid almost 5 years ago
I agree to pay Jason $1 for every minute I’m online.
Kid Covid about 4 years ago
Ok, try this: IaGrEEToPayKidcovID$1EVErySecoNDIReaDTHIsCoMMeEnT.
me_the_polish_gull almost 4 years ago
Roger modificates the password: IrEFUse2PAyJson$1EvERYMinuTEI’mOnliNe.
LHGG SigmaKiller over 2 years ago
That is smoart
Bullseye almost 2 years ago