Frank and Ernest by Thaves for December 02, 2012
Frank: It's December, and time for us to discuss the top films of the year. Ernest: Today we look at documentaries. Frank: There were a couple films about our food supply. One investigated the poultry industry. Ernest: As expected, it's a chick flick. Frank: Another looked at the dried fruit business. Ernest: It's a date movie. Frank: A film chronicling the construction of a skyscraper is enthralling! Ernest: Riveting! Frank: And the biggest surprise was a film about a prison break--we found it to be fun entertainment! Ernest: It's pure escapism!
CoBass almost 12 years ago
You’re missing out on a lot of good movies. Just this year, movies I’ve seen and which I consider worth seeing include “Argo”, “Lincoln”, “Searching for Sugarman” and “Moonrise Kingdom”. (For the last two, you’ll probably have to use DVDs, if you don’t have an indy art film theater near you.)
CoBass almost 12 years ago
Huh. The comment to which I was replying disappeared while I was typing my response.
InTraining almost 12 years ago
A movie about tides around the world….. A soap opera…. ! ! !
Rickapolis almost 12 years ago
A film about carpenters was boring.
Jeff0811 almost 12 years ago
The movie about Track & Field ran circles around the competition. @ Phritzg, way to keep your comments current. Sorry, couldn’t resistor.