Penn & Teller
Mrs. Olsen: Just what do you want to be when you finally grow up?
Caulfield: In my 60s, minimum. Mrs. Olsen says I'm learning too much from you.
Frazz: I thought learning is what we're all here for.
The Life I Draw Upon almost 10 years ago
It seems mathematics to him is a magic act that you can’t understand and can’t escape.
ChazNCenTex almost 10 years ago
I’m still breathing.
JoshuaD almost 10 years ago
When I was a kid I had a book — “My Book About Me” — with a lot of questions and prompts for me to fill in with information about myself. On the page that said, “When I grow up I want to be ______” I wrote “40.”
1MadHat Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Growing old is mandatory.Growing up is optional.
trollope'sreader almost 10 years ago
But the one he is reading is Joseph Heller’s “Catch-22”. A great escape from story problems.
amxchester almost 10 years ago
Are the two practicing curling or shuffleboard?
T_Lexi almost 10 years ago
And… curling in the hallway with a roll of duct tape!
JavaJim almost 10 years ago
“Catch-22” was published in 1961.
albzort almost 10 years ago
If you’re referring to Capt. Kirk of Star Trek, probably not. The book was published in 1961 and Star Trek began in 1966.
Al Nala almost 10 years ago
I tried to read it; got to about pg 50/5 chapters in, gave up. Not making sense. Went into the AF, read it, got it, funniest book ever. Ten years later, reread; incredibly sad book. Another 5-10 years, got it both ways.
R.U. Kidding almost 10 years ago
Well, no, Frazz, you’re there to clean up.
hex almost 10 years ago
My mom stopped asking me “when are you going to grow up?” after I told her “when I’m retired on $5,000 a week.” Still not there; still not grown up … not to mention adjusting for inflation, I now require being retired on $50,000 a week before I’ll grow up. :-P
DutchUncle almost 10 years ago
Re: When I grow up . . . . When my father was my age, he’d been dead 14 years. So I had low expectations.
FireMedic almost 10 years ago
I Quit almost 10 years ago
Hmm, I’m in my 60s. Nope, no sign of growing up.
dzw3030 almost 10 years ago
The three laws of life: 1) You can’t win 2) You can’t break even 3) You can’t get out of the game. So kick back and enjoy the ride, as best you can…
Michael Ritter almost 10 years ago
He’s reading Catch-22, one of the greatest books of all time, but even better read while serving in the military.
But behind Catch-22 is Penn and Teller’s great book; growing up with a mind influenced by Penn, Heller and Teller, he’s going to be a force to reckon with.
Kind&Kinder almost 10 years ago
Catch-22 is an entirely inappropriate book for a kid that age, Just think about the plot line concerning Nately and his “companion”, among other aspects. Aside from that, no kid, however precocious, will be able to make any relevant sense of the book. It’s one of the most profound novels ever to be written. You probably need to be at least 40 to have enough life experience to get a real grasp of Heller’s insights—maybe older. Still, it’s a courageous choice for a kid,and I suspect, bright as he is, it will afford him images that will haunt him for years. I would wish him best of luck and to seek help from a literate adult when needed.
tomielm almost 10 years ago
“Learning is what we’re all here for.” Good on ya, Frazz!
Varnes almost 10 years ago
Al, our minds, like life, are funny things….Your story is great….
Mary McNeil Premium Member almost 10 years ago
DKHenderson 3 months ago
You would think that the bulk of THREE books stacked together would be a dead giveaway.