So many people out there do. If they weren’t shackled to their jobs by the fear of losing what abominable healthcare they have, it would be a much better world.
Project completed, and sure to be a hit for many Hallowe’ens to come, I turned it in and went back to my seat. I still had to doodle around until shift’s end, but the pressure was off. To celebrate my accomplishment, I spent the remainder of the shift levitating random objects along the ceiling to the space above the Crafts Room Overlord’s desk, and then releasing them, to fall about like strange rain from an unseen air assault group. Telekinesis was really a pretty cool power, after all.
Sigh! I remember The Good Old Days, when life was so much simpler. It was just…
Run, run, as fast as you can.
You can’t catch me! I’m a Gingerbread Man!
… Now, everything is so much more complicated what with the New Chase Technology—drone spatulas with targeting sensors; cluster stand-off directed bomblets; even hunter-killer robo-Birds-of-Prey.
Does it even matter if I “run” anymore?!
But…I’m a pro. So here I am, still giving it the old ginger try!
I’ve heard of giving someone the bird. I heard of dropping the bomb. I’ve even heard of a flash of inspiration, but the spatula of doom is some next level jive. Stick a fork in me. I’m done.
Little Sisters of the Lame have converted half of their FICH vehicles to treads and skis, anticipating heavy snowfall this year. Froglandia often has heavy snowfall due to the combination of swamps and the lava flow. Swamp Effect Snow is quite common, since much of the swamp never actually freezes, being warmed by the underground lava. As you know, of course, this contributed to the defeat of the Frogsbane army, when they planned to cross the frozen swamps to invade by stealth. Ancient Froglandians taught it thus, that there was a monstrously large frog that would leap from the swamp as it felt the heat, and its feathers, loosened by scalding, would fall and cover the land. We know now that frogs do not jump from heating water, because they are cold blooded, and are unaware of the shift in temperature. Also, frogs do not have feathers. The imagery was more allegorical than literal. Some foreign scholars believe that Froglandia was superstitious and primitive in those ancient times. But that is because they are booger-brained dooh-dooh heads.
*Space Madness at The Station* 3 months ago
Retail Job…
Scan The Bar Code.
Frosted Ginger Man Cookies.
Icing on the pastry.
The Old Wolf 3 months ago
So many people out there do. If they weren’t shackled to their jobs by the fear of losing what abominable healthcare they have, it would be a much better world.
*Space Madness at The Station* 3 months ago
Atlanta Falcons and egg in the batter.
Atlanta Braves and Rock covers Scizor or wait. Paper towels the quicker picker upper…
Brass Orchid Premium Member 3 months ago
Project completed, and sure to be a hit for many Hallowe’ens to come, I turned it in and went back to my seat. I still had to doodle around until shift’s end, but the pressure was off. To celebrate my accomplishment, I spent the remainder of the shift levitating random objects along the ceiling to the space above the Crafts Room Overlord’s desk, and then releasing them, to fall about like strange rain from an unseen air assault group. Telekinesis was really a pretty cool power, after all.
willie_mctell 3 months ago
“Run run fast as you can…”
Howard'sMyHero 3 months ago
Rotifer FREE BEER & BATH MATS ON FEB. 31st Thalweg Premium Member 3 months ago
My Favorite Part™ was the guy on the sidewalk oblivious to the fact he is photobombing Frog Applause.
coltish1. 3 months ago
Just getting set to correspond. And here you are, corresponding with the world! I should have thought of it sooner.
The Gingerbread Man is proving once again that a moving target is hard to hit.
Thanks so much for pulling me from the freezing water.
charles9156 3 months ago
this is how things will go
UltraLameFest2 3 months ago
Preach, Ginger B!
Sisyphos 3 months ago
Sigh! I remember The Good Old Days, when life was so much simpler. It was just…
Run, run, as fast as you can.
You can’t catch me! I’m a Gingerbread Man!
… Now, everything is so much more complicated what with the New Chase Technology—drone spatulas with targeting sensors; cluster stand-off directed bomblets; even hunter-killer robo-Birds-of-Prey.
Does it even matter if I “run” anymore?!
But…I’m a pro. So here I am, still giving it the old ginger try!
Zebrastripes 3 months ago
He’s running from the muffin man who lives on Drury Lane…it was a crummy job any ways!
Earthling Premium Member 3 months ago
You’re back :)
6turtle9 3 months ago
I’ve heard of giving someone the bird. I heard of dropping the bomb. I’ve even heard of a flash of inspiration, but the spatula of doom is some next level jive. Stick a fork in me. I’m done.
Howard'sMyHero 3 months ago
Day 2, bums awayyy …!
*Space Madness at The Station* 3 months ago
Pillsbury The Pills Bury$$$
FLIGHT SUIT 3 months ago
Then let me eat you, Gingerbread Man. You will not have to go to work if I eat you.
Unless getting eaten is your job.
*Space Madness at The Station* 3 months ago
Looking at pastry supremacy and subordinate me. I’d scrape you off the curb with the heel of my Dawgs.
Brass Orchid Premium Member 3 months ago
Little Sisters of the Lame have converted half of their FICH vehicles to treads and skis, anticipating heavy snowfall this year. Froglandia often has heavy snowfall due to the combination of swamps and the lava flow. Swamp Effect Snow is quite common, since much of the swamp never actually freezes, being warmed by the underground lava. As you know, of course, this contributed to the defeat of the Frogsbane army, when they planned to cross the frozen swamps to invade by stealth. Ancient Froglandians taught it thus, that there was a monstrously large frog that would leap from the swamp as it felt the heat, and its feathers, loosened by scalding, would fall and cover the land. We know now that frogs do not jump from heating water, because they are cold blooded, and are unaware of the shift in temperature. Also, frogs do not have feathers. The imagery was more allegorical than literal. Some foreign scholars believe that Froglandia was superstitious and primitive in those ancient times. But that is because they are booger-brained dooh-dooh heads.
chaosed2 3 months ago
I might not be able to catch the gingerbread man, but the fragmentation bombs can.
markkahler52 3 months ago
Trump needs people!!
3hourtour Premium Member 3 months ago
…the osprey is not the villian, here…
…it is in the bird’s nature to do what it does…
…and Count Spatula would flip if he thought he was to blame…
…but these are truth bombs…
…the Gingerbread man dropped Marianne…
…it was an agreement made back when he was a different man…
…Shirley, he would not choose her today…
…he had replaced his love for her with another love…
… cryptocurrency…
…He went to Akron for a free Black Keys concert at the Civic…
…after numerous speakers…
…The Keys entered the stage…
…behind them on the back of the stage ..
…were about fifty people standing…
…the theater – itself was ¾’s full…
…the “band” …
…turned their backs to the audience…
…and for 45 minutes…
…performed….facing the 50 standing people…
…Gingerbread man ran as fast as he can….
…like a lightning bolt-it hit him…
… Krypto the dog was going to be in the new Superman movie…
…he wasn’t supposed to be in Akron…
…his Crypto meeting was in Cleveland…
..and he only had 45 minutes to get there…
Howard'sMyHero 3 months ago
As of this writing, I notice that Christiana Haag has been dead for another day …!
Imagine 3 months ago
I hate your job, too.
Howard'sMyHero 3 months ago
Your comments are very important to us …
Please continue to hold …!
6turtle9 3 months ago
I job my hate.