Walt, you say it’s “a Homeowner’s Association”… so it’s not yours and apparently you don’t belong to it. They have no authority over you. And besides if the HOA sprang up for others who built around your house which was there long before they were, they can’t force you to be a part of their group. If Skeezix’ lawyer doesn’t tell him that, he’s not much good.
An HOA agreement is one sided. The homeowner does all the work, pays for the work, and if he doesn’t, fines and leans. The HOA does nothing. Some people think they are great, because they keep the neighborhood up. Why, so they can raise your taxes too.
Looks like Jim forgot his continuity. Just two days ago Walt’s alleged “offense” was not removing the tree that fell on his property fast enough. How did this evolve into not taking down his Christmas decorations?
snsurone76 about 1 month ago
Played by Frank Nelson—right, Gweedo??
Gweedo -it's legal here- Murray about 1 month ago
Skeezix has buoyed Walt with new hope.
Captain Colorado about 1 month ago
The Three Stooges played the law firm of Dewey, Cheatum, and Howe.
billyk75 about 1 month ago
Find a lawyer named Shyster.
iggyman about 1 month ago
Good luck Walt!
iggyman about 1 month ago
The new lady lawyer, “Sue the Sue’r” !
Darryl Heine about 1 month ago
“Hey E. Van Shrewder” – apologies to a 1975 Electric Light Orchestra song really called “Evil Woman”.
Billavi Premium Member about 1 month ago
How much is the fine? How many hours will the lawyer bill?
capndan Premium Member about 1 month ago
Great to see Skeezix!
wstanley0418 about 1 month ago
Walt, you say it’s “a Homeowner’s Association”… so it’s not yours and apparently you don’t belong to it. They have no authority over you. And besides if the HOA sprang up for others who built around your house which was there long before they were, they can’t force you to be a part of their group. If Skeezix’ lawyer doesn’t tell him that, he’s not much good.
oakie9531 about 1 month ago
should be Dewey, Cheatem and Howe
drivingfuriously Premium Member about 1 month ago
An HOA agreement is one sided. The homeowner does all the work, pays for the work, and if he doesn’t, fines and leans. The HOA does nothing. Some people think they are great, because they keep the neighborhood up. Why, so they can raise your taxes too.
JPuzzleWhiz about 1 month ago
Looks like Jim forgot his continuity. Just two days ago Walt’s alleged “offense” was not removing the tree that fell on his property fast enough. How did this evolve into not taking down his Christmas decorations?
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] about 1 month ago
Tom Hanks in THE MONEY PIT 2—-he hired a lawyer